Monday 26 October 2009


Hello there! It feels rather decadent, sitting here blogging on a Monday afternoon. I missed what seems to have become my regular Sunday blog, as we were busy winning (by some miracle) the monthly'fun' quiz at our local! Think we won because there were no TV or pop music rounds this time! We always have a very pleasant evening with a couple of pints of beer, and a 'catch-up' with four of our friends, who make up the rest of our team.

It's half-term. HOORAY! Time to catch up on all sorts of odds and ends and to enjoy some relaxing fun time with our family. Scott is coming to stay with his 'olds'! Both our daughters are home too. A full house!

So, whilst I have a little bit of quiet time before that whirlwind of labrador arrives, I thought I'd come and share it with you!

I've just packaged up my little Innocent Smoothie hats ready to wing their way to London. The promotion begins next week; for every behatted smoothie bottle sold, Sainsbury's will donate 35p to 'Help the Aged'. They were such fun to knit. I wish I had found time to make more. Maybe next year!

Miss Snoopydog 1 and I wandered down to our local John Lewis store on Saturday afternoon to check out the yarn. She loves to sew and makes some beautiful bags, but has never really spent time on knitting. She chose some Rowan 'Big Wool' and size 15 mm needles and is busy making a stripey cowl to keep her warm when she's on playground duty. 'Just let me do one more row before we go,' she said..... before we set off for the pub. Hmmm.... I think she's just been converted and may even be already showing the first symptoms of addiction.

These Fetchings were made for her over the weekend, to keep her hands warm whilst she's on playground duty. It's such a great pattern; easy, fast but interesting, and they look great. They really are a much more greeny blue than my camera has captured!

I chose a gorgeous bright pink to knit myself another pair too.

I have just received a very exciting little parcel today (Tuesday), all the way across the sea from America. I Thank you so much Melissa! I will reveal all later in the week, as we are shortly going out for a well deserved curry and I have jobs to do beforehand. Enjoy the rest of your week.

P.S. Yes I know, the date at the top of this post says Monday, but Scott arrived part way through my posting and from then on my Monday evening involved lots of doggy fussing and playing, a trip to the pub and nattering until late!!!!! It's now Tuesday, early evening!


Jennyff said...

Sweet little hats, an effective way to use up your leftovers of some very pretty yarns. I love those handwarmers but am more impressed with your last photo, such an artistic arrangement, the yarn, pretty needles, the lily. I have a lot more time on my hands than you so either I should try harder or you must get back to work.

Duke said...

Your hats are just beautiful! Love the colors!

melissa said...

hooray - i'm glad your little package arrived safely!

love all the tiny hats - too too cute!
i especially love those fetching - the picture with the flower is so lovely.

knittingsandwich said...

oh my goodness- those hats are too too cute!
and congrats on the pub quiz win! i love bar trivia!