Sunday, 22 April 2012

FEELING BLUE...........

Oh dear! I know I really shouldn't have cast on another project, but I felt compelled to initiate something pretty mindless. I wanted something on the needles that could be worked without needing to tick off rows or follow a pattern, even a 'quick glance' pattern. We are travelling up north to visit little Sophie in a few weeks time, as Mr Snoops joins some of our children and their spouses to take part in the Bupa Great Manchester Run. I thought I would try to make a couple of little cardigans for her, to go with the little lavender sweater. The pattern is from the Debbie Bliss 'eco baby' book, using 'eco baby' cotton and is one I've made for Sophie once before, when she was smaller. Here's a reminder of the smaller version, knit in 2010....

It is very simple to make, with a crocheted border added afterwards. The only downside, is the monotony of the moss stitch; fine for me though, as it requires no brain activity!

I also bought four skeins of a pretty Debbie Bliss 'baby cashmerino'. I normally pick up this kind of mass produced yarn in my local John Lewis, although they don't stock the full colour range. This was a new colour in and such a pretty blue. It will be enough to make another little cardi.

During the week, I've made a little bit of progress on the Almost Ovals scarf, but not worth showing you today and turned the heel on the Roger socks, another beautifully written Anne Hanson pattern.

 It's a really satisfying, easy to remember pattern, and works well with the delphinium blue Soctopus Sokkusu yarn.

 Such is the British weather at this time of year; one minute blue sky and sunshine and the next, a torrential rain shower! I had set myself up for a knitting and reading morning in the garden today.

My coffe was made and I had just settled down when the heavens opened up. Whilst waiting for the sun to reappear, it seemed like a good use of time to pop in for a chat. So, here I am!

I'm obviously going  through my blue period at the moment, but then that's not so much of a surprise, as blue is most certainly one of my favourite colours!

Have a good week everyone!


Sarah said...

Blue is one of my favourite colours too-blues and greens and turquoises-I am not a reds or yellows person in clothes terms. Blue is so soothing and contemplative. I do like your little Sophie cardi and the socks look good too. Hope you get to spend some more time outside this afternoon. It has been dry here today, though will probably rain soon as I am about to put my washing out!

busybusybeejay said...

It's always good to have something mindless on the needles.You need that if you are going to follow the plot in Silent Witness.For me at the moment it's plain socks in Posh Yarn tweed,Erin I think.Good luck with the cardies.

Gabriele Agustini said...

I can knit... a square... in various size.
I can also crochet... a circle... in various sizes.
I wouldn't know how to follow a pattern if I was threatened with bodily harm.
I am amazed at your talent with the needles!!
Each piece more beautiful than the next!!
Sophie is a lucky girl.
Sending a hug across the miles ~

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Pretty shade of blue... just like the bright Spring sky. Sophie is blessed to have a special knitter to keep her warm and stylish.
Have a wonderful week Ros.
Susan x

bellaboo said...

I think you are missing the blue skies,that's why you are choosing blue at the moment! The baby jacket is so lovely...Sophie will need a bigger cupboard to put all these gorgeous things you are knitting for her. :0)

Jennyff said...

I don't know, you get a bit of time off work and you do all that knitting, I can hardly keep up. I'm very fond of blue too, lovely stuff.

josiekitten said...

I love how the Sokkusu yarn is looking in those Roger socks. Do I spy a new 3 Bags Full bag perchance?!! Have a good week! xxx

Northern Monkey said...

Little Sophie is such a lucky little girl, you knit such pretty things in such lovely yarn for her!

Lynne said...

The wee cardigan is gorgeous, and the socks are looking great. :)

AnnaPrasad said...

Gorgeous colour, I bet it'll look as lovely as the one you made before!

Duke said...

I just love that little cardi!

Tracy said...

Oh, so sweet... that little cardi for Sophie is adorable--that crochet edging finishes it off so prettily. So nice you'll be knitting it a size up for her now. The socks progress is lovely to see--that wool is gorgeous! Good luck to everyone in the run soon! We're going to Vienna later this week and be away a few days. See you soon in blogland. :o) ((HUGS))

Shannon said...

Your post reminds me of a day at the ocean - such lovely blues!

Kat Jorgensen said...

Love, love, love all of your blue projects, Ros. Right up my color palette. That little sweater is going to be perfect.

Anonymous said...

Ooh! Blue, my absolute favourite and all those projects are gorgeous. That baby jacket is to die for. So cute!

Willow said...

Yes, I'd say you are in a blue period. I heartily approve since blue is my favorite color.

Your little Sophie will look smasing in that cardi.

melissa said...

beautiful beautiful blue projects!

and i love the little piggy project bag :)