Sunday, 17 June 2012


Well hello sunshine!  How lovely to see you this weekend. We had almost forgotten what you looked like! It has been a wet, windy and none too warm week here in my little corner of the world. In fact the heat had to be turned on at school one morning earlier in the week, because it was so chilly. Not quite what one expects in June!

 I have to confess to a distinct lack of wooly goodness to show you today and the blame has to be laid firmly on the smooth, grey shoulders of the culprit above. Do you see him, trying to hide away there! Down the years, I have always been a fanatical reader. I studied English for my degree and just love a well-written, 'something to get your teeth into' story. Reading has alwyas been a big part of my free-time..............well it was, until knitting came bursting back onto the scene. There just haven't been enough free hours in the day to manage to read, knit, Ravelry-play and do everything else that needs to be done to keep a home up and running. Then this little chap arrived on the scene and somehow he has managed to weedle his way into my heart and my bag. His slimline form means that he doesn't take up too much room and he can always be there for me. So, reading is now very much back on the menu. Welcome little Kindle. I love you muchly!

Here is the booky reason for my lack of knitterly offerings this afternoon.....

Murakami is one of my favourite authors. I read one of his earlier books, 'The Wind-up Bird Chronicle' sevearl years ago and was hooked. '1Q84' is his latest work and  is totally and utterly brilliant! So good, that it has kept me away from my needles!!! Having finished Book1 and 2, I immediately downloaded Book 3, which was published sometime after. I'm almost halfway through, but did manage to leave him in his snuggly bed today, so that I could make at least a little wooly progress.

My 'Surf Blue Waffle Creams' are coming along. I  have managed to turn the heel on the first sock, so hopefully at least one of the air will be off the needles by the end of the coming week. As with all of Anne Hanson's patterns, the instructions are just so clear, concise and accurate. I'm loving the yarn, by the way! It's unbelievably soft.

I've also reaccquainted myself with the gorgeous 'Almost Ovals' scarf, that was a Christmas gift from my pal Josiekitten. I began knitting this one back in the dark, cold days of winter and despite creaming my hands, they were still fluffing the yarn up. But now, hey presto! Success! This is another beautiful Anne Hanson pattern and gorgeous Sweet Georgia cashsilk lace. The 24 row pattern repeat is straight forward and although I can't memorise it, it is easy to predict and so easy to know if you have made a mistake, before getting too far along the row. This is my main project now, until it's done. I just LOVE prettty turquoise blues!!!

I've also spent some fun time this week getting a swap parcel ready to send across the water to the U.S.A. I am participating in the June BNKC swap and have been searching out some seriously lovely yarny goodness to swap with Katharine. She has two beautiful labradors and we agreed to include a doggy swap treat as well. To cut a long story short, I had left my shopping bag out of sight and smell (or so I thought) of dear Oscar boy. Withing half an hour of being home, he had not once, not twice, but three times rummaged in by bag (moved to a new spot each time, may I add) and found the pull toy bought for Rex and Jackson!!!!!!! No it's NOT for you Oscar!

So, as you can see, there really wasn't much needle clicking going on this weeek, was there! On our walk with Oscar on Friday evening, we stopped to check on the cygnets that I showed you a couple of weeks ago. They have grown quite a lot in two weeks and I am verybpleased to report that all six are still looking strong and healthy.

Ahhhhhhhhh! Have a great week everyone. I may or may not see you next weekend, as I am off up to see litttle Sophie for the weekend, along with my younger daughter, who is now free from exams and is coming along with me. A girls weekend!!


josiekitten said...

I think a Kindle is going to go on my Xmas list this year! The Almost Ovals is looking great. I couldn't memorise the pattern either! Have a good week! xx

Kathy said...

I've just broken my Kindle on holiday. I'm devastated!!!
I think still prefer holding a real book in my hands, but a kindle is such a great way to store so many books!

Teje Karjalainen said...

Lucky you, Ros! You have now the books of all the world in your hands! I also used to read all the time, first with my morning coffee and last just before sleeping. But then those patches came to my life and everything changed! Enjoy and give hugs to Oscar! x Teje

Lynne said...

I just got a Kindle, and aren't they fab! I love reading too, and always feel sorry for people that don't. I do like your socks, the pattern and the colour are lovely. And good luck with the rest of your Almost Ovals. :)

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

I'll send some warmer weather asap...29C here today with 32C by Wednesday.(43C with the humidity) We'll have plenty to share. The swans are magnificent... small wonder why once only royalty could have them.
Have a great week and a wonderful next weekend!
Susan x

kate said...

Oh, we too have been longing for summer to really start.

Thanks for the author recommendation, I'll have to look him up!

Love the swans.

Tracy said...

Ooo... sweet little bit of tech beauty there, Ros! I've not ventured much to e-books yes, though tempted more and more, and thinking of putting iPad on my wish list for Christmas! ;o) LOVELY ovals in progress... I do love the shades of blue you often knit with. And so sweet to see Oscar! Happy Summer Days ((HUGS))

Willow said...

Oh, a Kindle? I'm a little bit envious.
The scarf looks lovely--and oh my! that gorgeous color!
Great photo of the cygnets.

melissa said...

my husband is currently reading iq84!
love the socks and of course the photos of mr.oscar!

Kathy said...

Rocky loves Murakami books. I've never read them, but I think he's read about 1/2 his books. He wanders in and out of IQ84 and has enjoyed it.