Sunday, 15 July 2012


At last, a finished project! These  Surf Blue Waffle Creams are a really lovely pattern to knit. The cabling is easy and fun, whilst the foot knits up quickly and simply. The rib-like pattern gives the socks a good, snug fit.
I love the yarn colour too!

I'm now racing to finish the Almost Ovals scarf before school finishes on Friday.

Then I cast on my Color Affection. Here's a little reminder of the scrummy yarns that are waiting patiently for me to begin.

 I still have several WIPs that I plan to have a really good go at this summer holiday...............

....................Wandering Thyme,

my eldest daughter's Memories Stole,

Sophie's litttle Dougie Dog Sweater with matching hat and scarf,

and of course, my lovely second Henley with a Twist. There are others of course, but these are the ones that are high up on the list. Top priority! I think I will need more than six weeks holiday to get this little lot finished, but never mind. I love a challenge!!!!

 I'll leave you with a cygnet update. They are certainly growing up fast!


josiekitten said...

I love how those socks have turned out. I might have to knit a pair for me too! I haven't thought about summer holiday challenges yet!! Will think about it over the next week. Not long now! xx

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Ros! Beautiful projects! Even I like colours so much, I also love that light natural colour you have just started something! Lucky Sophie getting so wonderful doggie set! Happy week to you! x Teje

Duke said...

You must knit non-stop to finish all of your lovely projects! Your socks are just beautiful!
We have Canada geese babies on our pond at the moment and we're hoping they leave soon. They're very messy!

Jennyff said...

How do you manage so many projects at once? I think I'm being racy if I leave the stitching up a finished article to start the next. Happy holiday knitting you multi tasker.

Lynne said...

I do like those socks, the cables are lovely. I may have to have a look at this pattern! Good luck with all the WIPs, you'll certainly not be bored!! :)

AnnaPrasad said...

Wow, you're going to be very busy! I love the socks, the colour is really nice and the cables make them look very chic!

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

I love the shade of the colour for the socks.
Are the swans and their signets not the most beautiful of birds...
Susan x

kate said...

I am a big fan of ribbing on the body of a sock -- your Blue Waffles are lovely.

Great collection of projects - you will be busy! Perfect Olympics watching material?

The cygnets are so gray, quite amazing.

Unknown said...

I love all your summer knits! I'm off to Loop London to break the yarn diet and pick up some yarn for an England project. :)