Sunday, 16 September 2012



 Oh I just love the moment when a project is finally finished, soaked, blocked, dried and at last you take out those pins. Magic!

 'Almost Ovals' is now ready to present herself to you for approval.

The finished scarf is very soft and beautifully  lightweight; just perfect for those nippy Autumnal days that are almost upon us.

I managed a complete twenty-four row extra repeat from the yarn, which made me smile even more.

Blocking was straightforward, with just a couple of wires up each side and then easing the scarf out to the required measurements.

There is so much subtle colour variation in this pretty yarn. It's really gorgeous, although none of my photos reflect the true beauty or depth of the colour. I tried shots inside and out, sun or shade, but still no luck. It really is a deep, turquoise.................riptide.

 The lightness of the yarn meant an overnight dry was all that was required. This morning I gave it a quick steam to encourage the yarn to bloom, left it to air a little longer and then hey presto!

I'm loving it!


josiekitten said...

Gorgeous! I wore mine this week when it was a little chilly first thing.

Jennyff said...

It is indeed a beautiful scarf and I am equally impressed by your professional blocking equipment.

busybusybeejay said...

That is beautiful but I think I remember you and Josie Kitten saying it was a difficult pattern.Perhaps one I need to avoid but it is gorgeous.

Lynne said...

It's absolutely beautiful! Happy wearing! :)

Duke said...

Wow! It is absolutely gorgeous!

busybusybeejay said...

Decided not to be a coward.I liked your scarf so much I have bought the pattern and done the first eight rows.No problems so far!

melissa said...

oh wow! she's even more beautiful after she's blocked! wonderful wonderful work!

kate said...


Tracy said... It is a triumph of knitted beauty, Ros! You should be proud of this! What a wonderful finish. And that color is just exquisite. I can see how you'll be wearing & using this one for a long, long time. I love that top photo especially--very arty display. But it was also fun to see the shawl in its blocking process. Where have you found those foam squares? That is a great idea for blocking. Beat's my set up of layers of thick towels. ;o) Huge inspiration, your knitting, Ros! Happy Days ((HUGS))

Pixie said...

One word

**stunning**. x

Sarah said...

Gorgeous! And interesting to see how you blocked it. The tiles look like our interlocking number tiles at school.