Sunday, 2 September 2012


This week, I have been deliberately delaying the inevitable. I'm really, really good at it! I have quite a lot of schoolwork to do, in readiness for the new school term that begins this week. However, I have managed to skillfully while away the least week of the holidays doing a 'little bit of this' and a 'little bit of that' I am sitting here right now with my pile of work ready to ........ after some blog time, of course. I wonder what other 'must do' task will further delay my knuckling down to some work. Hmmm!

Much of my knitting time this wek has been spent on finishing the litttle 'Patches Child' jacket for little Sophie. The pattern is well written and an easy knit. I loved the clever knitting together of the strips and watching the colour changes. However, I DID NOT enjoy the yarn. I think I moaned about it last week, so I won't rant again:just suffice it to say that I won't be buying Noro again. I've yet to have a happy experience with it.

The pattern offers choices of edging, neckline and finishing. I chose the ruffled edging, which I think works fine the hem of the jacket, but I'm not so sure that it works so well on the sleeves. It's quite hard to tell until I see the jacket actually being worn.

I chose the crew neck option, as it seemed to fit the style of the garment.......

....... and found a pretty wooden button in my button tin (well, one of them!) to finish it off.

The shoulders were joined with a three needle bind-off, which is so easy and gives a really lovely neat seam. The finishing is quite simply single crochet. I chose a section of the yarn to use that would act as a contrast.

I've also begun a project for myself, using Rowan Kidsilk Haze, which is a very fine 2ply 70% mohair, 30% silk mix. It's Beau from Rowan's 'Fresh Fashion Knits' book.

I realised I have the American publication of the book, bought from Amazon, and so needed to remember to follow the correct UK sizing. I think the UK version of the book may have a different title. I just love the design and have chosen a deep, navy blue to allow the beauty of the shiny, hairy yarn to come through.

I have a feeling this one may take some time, but so farI'm loving it. The yarn is so soft and comfortable to work with after the nightmare Noro. Deep sigh...... and relax!!!! NOOOO, I must get on! See you next week. Have a good one.


Sarah said...

Oh it is so easy to do that-put off those things which are necessary but oh so tedious! I hope you get it done and it doesn't take too long. The patches jumper is so pretty. Shame about the yarn but it came out well in the end. Your other knitting this week looks lovely-that is such fine yarn! Have a good week too-soon be the weekend!

elizabeth said...

You are so super talented!
Both projects here are wonderful.
I bet Sophie ( and Sophie's mum!) will be thrilled.
As for the next one --it promises to be exquisite.
I'm a very keen knitter --but hopeless at it!
Cheers from New York.
(Came to you via Sarah's blog)

josiekitten said...

Love the cardigan, very cute. I'm with you on the yarn though, for the price, the quality ought to be top notch! Hope the first week back isn't too awful! xx

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

The little cardi is so cheerful.
Your choice of yarn for yourself will be stunning!
Susan x

Pixie said...

I love the cardi..but that is very interesting about the Noro yarn...i havent used it myself but have seen projects finished in it and they all look so wonderful... so i shall be aware of that now you have said that you wont be using it again....good post.
Pixie x

Wyatt said...

Luv the little patches jacket. I would wear that any day and everyday!

Wyatt's mom

melissa said...

oh goodness - your patches cardigan turned out so amazing! wonderful wonderful work!!

and ooooh - your new project looks absolutely dreamy!

Duke said...

The little jacket is just adorable! We love the heart button!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Ros! Your new thin yarn looks so beautiful, colour is perfect and you have found lovely pattern! I love Sophie's jacket and the colour!
I wish you wonderful week! Schools start here in one week and busy summer calms down.
x Teje

Tracy said...

LOVE Sophie's little jacket! The colors & strip-factor really are luscious. Noro yarns are lovely colors, but I won't knit it either. That new super-soft cardi you've started is going to be beautiful--what a great style! Wishing you a good first week back at school, Ros ((HUGS))