Sunday, 25 November 2012

SMILE, IT"S A SOCK........

 A week's worth of socks hanging to dry. No chance that they would dry outside this weekend, as the weather has been well and truly foul! They made me smile, as I carefully matched up the pairs. Hmm, OCD! Nevertheless, they added a very welcome touch of colour and lifted my spirits on a very dull, windy and wet Sunday morning.

My 'Granny Stripe' is coming along slowly, but surely. I try to manage one stripe an evening, at least. I'm loving the colour changes and the cheerfulness of this gorgeous fabric.

It's so addictive and relaxing, a great combination for some great 'me' time!

I have this little colour combo ready and waiting to begin a new project for little granddaughter number 2! It's ready to make a cute all-in-one suit, from Rowan's latest baby and toddler book. I spent ages choosing the three colours, changing my mind between pales and brights. I think I'm happy with the final choice, especially for a new-born outfit.

The 'Dougie Dog' scarf is almost complete too. I just have to 'gear up' to tackle the upside down scottie dogs at the end and then it'll be done, apart from sewing in the ends and doubling it over to seam. Hopefully, my 'scottie dog' mojo will have returned during the week and I'll be able to show off the finished set next time.

Have a great week!


josiekitten said...

My drying rack looked equally as colourful yesterday! I love the colours of the crochet blanket. What does it feel like? Is it very acrylicly? (Not sure if I have just invented a work but you know what I mean!) Have a good week! xx

French Nanny said...

Is it obssessive to match up sock pairs to dry? I must have OCD too, then...

Single socks would be lonely on my drying rack...

josiekitten said...

Oops I clearly can't spell today!

busybusybeejay said...

I'm with you both on this.They have to dry together in pairs.So OCD.I love the way your blanket is coming along.Following on from seeing your ripple blanket that you did for Sophie I am doing one.I love choosing the colours and watching it develop.I seem to have a blanket making obsession!I shall try the granny stripe next.

Lyn said...

I love the brights but I am sure your eyes will thank you for the pale colours for a change! X

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Ros! Your granny blanket looks wonderful! I missed crochet and thought to make a cowl but then changed for knitting. I haven't put washing machine now for two weeks, because it has been so rainy. Those baby yarns look so beautiful, soft and lovely pastel colours! Also my socks are hanging with pairs and often by colour! Have a great week! x Teje

Helsie said...

Absolutely love the granny stripe rug. I need to try something new and it's about time I gathered my courage together and attempted a foundation chain again ( hope I end up with a rectangle and not a trapezium like my last attempt !)

melissa said...

oooh your granny stripe is looking so so lovely!!

and i too have to match up my socks to dry them. it must be a knitter thing :)

Duke said...

Love the picture of your beautiful socks drying!

Anonymous said...

So beautiful! I love the color combinations. This makes me want to crochet. *sigh*.


kate said...

You knit with such wonderful colours, Ros, the pictures always make me smile!

Lynne said...

You know what? I put socks on the clothes horse in pairs too! My logic is that they have to be matched together at some point!! Your crocheting is beautiful, good luck with it. :)

Sarah said...

Your socks did make me smile on Sunday when I looked at them on my phone, but for some reason I can't leave comments on your blog via the phone. This is the first time I have been on the actual computer this week so here I am!
I like the pale and soft colours you chose for the baby outfit. Very pretty.
Nearly Friday!