Sunday, 16 December 2012

YUM, YUM.....

Oh wow! Look what turned up yesterday. What a fantabulous Chrissy package. One of my good friends is a phenomenal cook and loves nothing more than cooking up a storm in her kitchen. Bit like me and yarn, I guess! Included is a range of homemade chutneys; date and courgette, rhubarb and date, and bread and butter pickles. there are bottles of chestnuts in vanilla syrup, and garlic spiced olive oil. On to the sweet goodies next; a mini Christmas cake, a large open mince pie and some scrumptious chocolate brownies. These can all be washed down with the lovely bottle of German ale. Hmm! Yum!


josiekitten said...

Oooooooh, very nice! What a lovely idea for a gift! Hope your last week flies by! xx

Duke said...

What a wonderful friend to send all of these beautiful yummy goodies!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

melissa said...

oh wow!
everything looks so lovely and delicious!!

have a good week!

busybusybeejay said...

What a great present.Hope the last week of term goes well.

Lynne said...

Oh wow! What a great parcel, everything looks delicious. :)

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

A perfect way to celebrate the holiday season!
Susan x

Tracy said...

WOW... what a load of great treats, Ros! You don't have bake at all of the holidays now! What a beautiful gift. I have a post /photo to publish on Monday, but I will be away form the pc sometimes next week to enjoy some festive time with family & friends. Happy Holidays to you & yours and all JOY in 2013! ((HUGS))

Wyatt said...

Yum Yum, indeed! What a wonderful friend!
