Sunday, 6 January 2013


So, here's a final look at all the completed projects from 2012. There are nowhere near as many as I would have liked, but that's the way it is when you work in a stressful and demanding profession. They might be few in number, but these little beauties have kept me sane over the last twelve months and I would like to offer them my heartfelt thanks. Of course, I love each and every one of them! My favourite (if I am allowed to have one, without causing a riot!) has to be the 'All in the April Evening' stole, that I put many long hours into, leading up to my eldest daughter's wedding day. You can read all about the special day here. Each project has had its own moment to shine and each is now in use by its owner.

So what's happening in 2013? Well, there are a couple of things being worked on currently, whilst the rest snooze in their hibernation bags. Firstly, my gorgeous Christmas Day socks, named because that's when I started them!!!

The yarn, pattern and bag were my Christmas gift from josiekitten; very, very yummy! The yarn is Hazel Knits Artisan Sock, the pattern is 'Movie Night Sock' by Anne Hanson (of course) and the bag is just the most utterly gorgeous bag from the very talented Michele over at Three Bags Full.

The 'Granny Stripe' blanket is coming along nicely, but as Sophie's little sister is due to be born towards the end of March, I think I might need to get my skates on!

I have completed seven more stripes, since this photo was taken. The plan is to make Sophie a mini version to wrap her doll 'babies' in, to be given to her when her sister is born. Sophie has also put in an order for a PINK (her favourite colour, of course) version of the Attic 24 bird that I have hanging in my kitchen. I plan to make a red and blue one to match her new bedroom colour scheme and then a pink one to satisfy her heart's desire. Here's the one I made a while ago...

I also have my eye on this beautiful Rainbow Afghan. However, as I have three sweaters still not completed either, I think I may be a tad optimistic, especially as there will be a new little granddaughter arriving. How will I manage to resist the cute baby knitting that is out there! Sigh!

Christmas seems a while ago now, as we have had a two week flow of family visitors staying with us: school seems like a lifetime away! We had a very lovely family two weeks; catching up and enjoying each other's company. Tomorrow it's back to work! Enough said. Good evening!


josiekitten said...

You have knit some lovely things over the last year. Here's to another year filled with yarn, fibre and friendship!! xx

Wyatt said...

It's all lovely, but the terrier ensemble is our favorite!

Sarah said...

So many lovely things to have made in a year. I love your colour choices-lovely blues and lilacs with the odd splash of brighter colour. That afghan is amazing-you should start one anyway-it can be a long term project!
I hope the return to school isn't too exhausting. Brace yourself! We have an inset at The National Gallery tomorrow which I suppose is a good thing, then the kids are back on Tuesday. I have done all the work necessary but the trouble with the holidays is I get total school amnesia. Oh well, it pays for the yarn!

Willow said...

It is so much fun to knit for little ones--love those small sweaters and vests.
I have made a couple of the mitred square afghans. It may be my favorite pattern for blankets. I'm looking around for just the right pattern to make a random colored afghan.
Happy New Year and Happy Knitting!

busybusybeejay said...

Lots of lovely completed projects.I love knitting/crocheting for little ones but all my grandchidren are in school now and in school uniform 5days a week.Good luck with the new term.At least its a shorter one.

Teje Karjalainen said...

Looks so beautiful Ros! I would love to make so many of your projects! Lovely owl bag and great new plans! I'm waiting to see your jumpers! I wish you, Oscar and your family Happy New Year! x Teje

Duke said...

We think that you have been very busy this year. Your projects are gorgeous - every single one of them!

Helsie said...

What a productive year you've had. Those little grad-girlies are very lucky.

Kate said...

I love the colours you choose to knit with, Ros, as they are so different from my more neutral and forest colours. Inspiring!

Here's to a wonderful New Year of knitting, and babies, and maybe even less stress at work? One can hope, anyhow! All the best!!

Tracy said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR, Ros! It was such fun to have a look back on your fiber success, and to hear about your yarn plans for 2013! The Granny Stripe blanket is gorgeous--love all the yummy colors! Looking forward to more fun shared in the new year! :o) ((LOVE & HUGS))

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Just beautiful... each and every stitch.
A new grand-baby for 2013, that will be wonderful.
I can see why Sophie loves that little bird, it is cute!
Susan x

melissa said...

what a gorgeous parade of handknits!
i look forward to seeing what you create in 2013!!!

Natalie Jones said...

I love the socks you've knitted - I'd like to try tham (I even bought some lovely yarn last year) but I'm terried of DPN's! Perhaps I'll have a go this year.

Dawn said...

Happy New Year - I hope it is as industrious as 2012 as I love seeing your gorgeous woolly projects.

Lynne said...

Ooo, every make is beautiful! Your crochet blanket is looking great, good luck with getting it finished in time. And that afghan is gorgeous, very tempting... :)