Sunday, 11 October 2015


The night's are drawing in and there has been a real autumnal nip in the air. I think it must be about time to get back on the blanket journey! This is my latest offering, which has been hibernating since the warmer weather began. It's the 'Cosy Stripe Blanket' from Lucy over at 'Attic 24'. I really love the rhythm and colour combos involved in blanket crocheting. There is nothing more relaxing!

I've made several blankets over the last few years and have another 'special' one in the pipeline, to begin once the Cosy is complete ;-)

Here we have my very first blanket, made for my eldest granddaughter, Sophie. This is another of Lucy's designs; her Neat Ripple Blanket. I love it!

Next up is my 'Sweet Baby Blanket' made for Sophie's sister Jess. Again, this one came from the Attic. It's Lucy's 'Granny Stripes'.

Sophie's Dolly was the lucky recipient of a smaller version!

The next blanket was made in time for Evie's birth. This is the 'Nezbit' (my 'All in Good Time') blanket by Lisa Richardson. This time the blanket was on the needles rather than the hook! I used the suggested yarn; Rowan's Baby Merino Silk DK. The colours are gorgeous and it's great to knit with.

I just HAD to get hooked up with 'Seaside Ripples' (from Lucy once again), and luxuriate in all those gorgeous seaside colours. How lovely to be able  to conjure up the happiest of family seaside memories with every little hook! This was completed for Evie's first birthday and is single bed size, as were Sophie and Jess's blankets.

Just gorgeous! Well, there's still one very special little blankie who has spent most of his life in semi-permanent hibernation. One day, when I retire, he will burst back into life and who knows, he may even grace one of my sofas..... one day! My very own little Sock Yarn Blankie!

Do you know, after all this snuggly squishiness, I might just have to go and wake up my little 'Cosy' friend right now. See you next week.


josiekitten said...

How lovely to see all your blankets! My Cosy blanket has made it as far as by the sofa!!! Have a good week! xx

Duke said...

The blankies are just beautiful! We see you at the door asking to come in, Oscar!

busybusybeejay said...

I love your blankets and I love making blankets.All five grandchildren have one,each bed in the house has one so what next.They are such a great Autumn/Winter projects.

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Just look at all the magnificent colours. Bright and cozy to warm the heart and the soul.
And very fortunate to all that are honoured to own one... that would be you Oscar!
Enjoy those beautiful Autumn days Ros.
Susan x

Wyatt said...

So cozy and beautiful. Lucky Sophie, Jess, Evie AND Oscar!

kate said...

Your blankets are so beautiful and colourful! I think my favourite is the seaside ripple. What fortunate grandchildren!