Monday, 26 October 2015


Hooray! Something has been accomplished at last. Mr Snoops now has a fourth pair of socks, despite 'not wanting a pair' until a couple of years ago. He has now seen the light and his three current pairs are always in use. This pair are for Christmas, so they have been secreted away. I really like this simple rib pattern, as the socks always fit well and are perfect travel knitting.

It may have been a foolish move to add two more projects to my already way too little knitting time, but they are both important and both need to be started pretty soon. First up are these three scrummy balls of Rowan baby merino and silk; so so soft! They are all ready and waiting for those shiny silver circulars to get click clacking away to conjure up a simple little sweater for Zelda's baby boy, due in a couple of weeks time. She is a very lovely work colleague of my younger daughter, who I met this weekend for the first time, but always hear lots about. 

Here we go! The next pair of travel socks to hit the needles. This pair will be made using my preferred simple rib pattern mentioned above and are indeed another Christmas gift; this time for my son. Better get knitting!


busybusybeejay said...

oh how I love sock knitting!It might even beat crocheted blanket work.I like your choice of yarns.Enjoy half term and lots of knitting.

Wyatt said...

You are very thoughtful and how lucky are the recipients of your lovely work!!
♥ Wyatt

Duke said...

Beautiful socks as always☺

Tracy said...

Hi, Ros! GREAT to see/find you again, as well! So to have gone missing. Some life happenings here earlier this year, and well, I stopped posting for a while... But came back, and changed blog platform too. It's good to be back! And it's wonderful to catch up with you & your beautiful, inspirational knitting!! :o) LOVELY soft grey Rowan merino-silk...*swoon*... LOVED your gorgeous Lucy Attic24 blankets you shared last time--WOW!! I have her Seaside Ripple on my wish-list! LOVE that pic of your version of Seaside, and Oscar waiting patiently to be let indoors... ;o) I'm still do a fair bit of crochet these days, and have whittle down my yarn stash considerably--it's a good feeling. Anyway, so good to "see" you here... Happy Autumn Days to you & yours ((HUGS))

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Love the socks.
And the new sweet babe shall be wrapped in softness when you present it with that lovely sweater. That yarn is soooo soft it will be a delight.
Susan x

josiekitten said...

I am not letting Mr JK know that Mr Snoops has a pair of socks lined up for Christmas! I still have that skein of 'Canaries' yarn from Fibre East waiting to be cast on. Hope you have had a good break. xx

kate said...

Great colours on Mr. Snoops socks! And I like the yarn you've picked for your son's socks as well.