Sunday, 1 November 2015


 Well half-term is rapidly drawing to a close and I'm wondering where on earth did all the time go.  What with a three day stay with my younger daughter at her new flat in London, a flying visit home for a haircut and then a long journey northbound to Manchester to visit our son and eldest daughters and their families, there seems to be no time left!!!!

I managed a little knitting on the road to Manchester and back, until one of my DPNs went flying who knows where, after getting caught in the yarn ball. I had no spares with me as I was using  set of KnitPro Karbonz and have no spares! Nevertheless, a good start was made on these big beauties for my son's size 10 feet. Easy mindless travel knitting and easy mindless 'braindead on school evenings' knitting. Perfect!

After  a couple of 'reccy'' trips to 'The Crafty Ewe' in Norwich to see what they had in store, I have finally managed to spend my birthday vouchers, given  by two of my children back in July. I didn't want to squander the amount on odd balls, but I'm a very fussy mare when it comes to sweater patterns for myself and it has been a long hard search to find something that I liked.

As you can see the yarn is a a gorgeous deep purple with tweedy flecks of pink, blue and violet and is a merino wool and cashmere mix. I'll show you my pattern choice once I get the yarn on the needles, which must not be until any Christmas knitting is completed.

We took strip to the lake today to give Oscar a birthday run. Yes, our beautiful boy (Solgate Misty Frosty Morning) is six years old. Where have those years gone? He's brought so much love and fun to our family, it seems hard to think that he is approaching middle age in doggy years.

There was a beautiful ethereal mist hanging over the lake as we arrived, but as you can see, it magically lifted to reveal a beautiful clear blue sky.

Oscar was on good sniffing form after several days away from his favourite daily walk space and had a extra run on the field, as we stopped for a coffee and to enjoy the sunshine.

All in all, it's been a very busy but lovely half-term, catching up with family and having fun. Right, I'd better get some school planning done before, hopefully,  making a little bit more time for a few stitches!


josiekitten said...

How frustrating to lose a needle in the car!! I have lost more than one down the side of the seat before now! Glad you had a good break. I cannot believe it's school again tomorrow. :(

Duke said...

Happy Birthday, Oscar! We can't wait to hear more about your new sweater!

Helsie said...

Love that yarn you have for your own jumper, it's going to be lovely. Happy Birthday Oscar !