These lovelies are hot of the needles. My sock mojo is well and truly back and the fire rekindled! I just love the cheeriness of this gorgeous red yarn and am trying really hard not to let the little green envy monster rear his head. Let's just say, these are for my beautiful elder daughter and..... when I have a little more spare time....... I will find another gorgeous 'cherry red' ........... and knit myself a pair. Think my target will be to complete a pair for me by Christmas 2016. That's sounds perfectly do-able to me: don't you think so too?
Before these pretty little red needles had even had time to draw breath, never mind had time for a quick snooze, they found themselves casting on a delicious skein of Anne Hanson's Breakfast Blend 4ply. The pattern is 'Helen Sock' also by Anne Hanson. I'm loving them already!!!
Must's quiz and beer night! Wish us luck!
Those red socks are gorgeous! Two pairs of socks in one month is pretty good going! Be careful when you wash the Breakfast Blend socks - I know from bitter experience! Have a good week! xx
Beautiful red socks, perfect for February!
Hope the quiz and beer night was fun!
Must be the time of year, I am frantically producing socks too. I'd like a pair of those red needles, I deserve them.
The red socks are just beautiful! Good luck to you!
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