Sunday, 24 April 2016


This week has flown by! I have no idea where the days go! However, there has been plenty of action on the needles you'll be glad to hear. I'm afraid I'm in full 'baby knitting' mode at the moment, but don't worry, I'm sure it will soon pass. 'Spring Greens' was completed early in the week, but seaming avoidance tactics kicked into play and I managed to leave it in a neat little pile until yesterday. It seemed much more important to cast on yet another; same pattern, same yarn, different colour!

 I'm just loving the cute little buttons, which match just perfectly and were a snip at 5p each in a local store.

 I just love this soft grey and have three skeins sitting waiting to be used for a while now. I think there'll be a little beanie hat made to match; maybe with some 'spring greens' stripes.

I thought I'd show you another view, showing off my gorgeous 'Three Bags Full' bag. This has to be one of my favourites, with it's 'must have' spotty lining. 

We took a wander down through the city centre park in search of a Sunday morning coffee this morning; dodging the showers as we went. I've been taken by these lovelies for a week or so now, loving the gorgeous blend of soft colours and interesting variety of petal shapes. They are growing up against a tree trunk and black railings, at one of the entrances to the park. Just lovely!


Clicky Needles said...

What a stunning colour that green is. Sometimes you just want to knit, not seam!

josiekitten said...

Love the green sweater! I was sending you 'good finishing vibes' this weekend!! Looking forward to a long weekend. Perhaps we can meet up sometime? xx

Anna Prasad said...

What a lovely little sweater, the colour is so pretty, as is the grey. And I am admiring your bag too, I love the outside very much. Xx

Una said...

Great baby pattern and good choice of colours. Sometimes it's good to divert from the usual pastels.

Duke said...

I love the spring green cardi! It's just adorable☺

kathy b said...

Love the spring green colored sweater!!! Great button find!

Willow said...

Cute cardi! And I love your bag!
The tulips are always a happy sign of spring!

Tracy said...

Sweet, sweet knitting! And LOVE that happy spring green! Your creativity always inspires me! :) Happy Spring Days ((HUGS))