Sunday, 23 October 2016


How time flies! It's been a couple of weeks since I last posted and a lot has happened that has got in the way of bloglandia. I spent a very lovely weekend in London with my youngest, taking in a couple of art exhibitions and then enjoying a brilliant trip to see The Lion King. It was fabulous! I love that she has learnt the art of 'welcoming'..... flowers, red wine and After Eight! :-)

The weather was rather grey and none too warm, but the river and skyline views from the bridges never cease to delight me.

The Lyceum is such a pretty theatre and it seems that a good view is had wherever you are seated. We were more than happy with our brilliant view of the stage  and also of the African animals and the extraordinary drumming skills of the percussionist (three more were hidden in the pit). 

I took with me the first of my 'secret' Christmas pressie knits. This pretty West Yorkshire Spinners 4ply will become socks for Mr Snoops. I'm thinking maybe I'll go for a solid red heel and toe. What do you think? Needless to say, not very much progress took place!

Last weekend saw us travelling up to Manchester for the Manchester Half-Marathon which was being run by Mr Snoops, our son and our youngest daughter. The day started out very cold and very wet, but our spirits were not dampened. All three did well. I'm very proud of my 'Runner Beans'!

By the time we walked through the park to our son's house for some lunch and a warm-up, the sun had come out and squirrels were busy collecting nuts and seeds.

It really has begun to feel very Autumnal here our little corner of the UK and the wood burner is being routinely lit in the evenings. I love the cosiness and warmth it gives!

After two weekends away, I relished a little bit of time during the weekday evenings to relax. I probably got a little carried away by the soporific effect of those dancing flames, or maybe my mind was elsewhere. Whichever was the case, my almost finished 'Cosy' blanket began to look rather misshapen! I have no idea how this happened, but needless to say ten stripes had to be ripped out and redone. GGGRRRHHH!

Back on track and the striping is complete.

Last evening saw the ceremonial sewing in of the ends. Yay!!!!!

After a glass of wine, to recover, I was ready to tackle the border. 

So much for great progress after an earlier setback, I've run out of yarn! GGGRRRHHH! I'm just going to have to take a break for a few days and wait for the best 'Yarn Fairy' in the world to bring me some magic remnants to complete the job!

I snapped these Autumn beauties as Mr Snoops and I walked Oscar through the local park yesterday.

A quick pop into my LYS and this little beauty decided to come home with me. I couldn't resist the purply grey stripes!

It is with a very heavy heart that I end this post, as I send much love to my dearest pal Helen, who sadly lost her darling husband a fortnight ago. Just so, so sad! XX


busybusybeejay said...

Nice trip to London and to Manchester.I think red heels would look good.I have only ever done socks with one colour.Does the joining of another colour not create something that would rub?
very sad to hear Josie Kittens news.How is Helen and what happened?

Helsie said...

Sounds like all is good in your world , thank goodness. Sad news from Helen. Hope she is OK.

Anna Prasad said...

Oh what lovely pictures, I felt like I was there. Love that ripple crochet blanket and yes I would go with red for the heel and the toes on those socks, they will be lovely!

Willow said...

I am so sorry for Helen!
I'm also sorry in a different way that you have had two setback on that crochet afghan. Yarn fairy, go help!!
Your photos of London and the autumn leaves is so very refreshing!