Sunday, 6 May 2012


Well, there it is for all to see. The lucky winner of two balls of scrumptious Mini Mocchi is Pixie over at The Crafte Nook. Congratulations to Pixie. Thanks to all of you who stopped by and left me a lovely comment. It's always so much fun to make new bloggy connections.

This past week has been a particularly dull and gloomy one here in my little corner of the UK. I am thankful for an extra day to the weeekend though! I could get easily accustomed to working a four-day, rather than a five-day, week. We went to the coast yesterday, to blow the cobwebs away and give Oscar a seaside run, but it was so, so bitterly cold that we didn't stay long; just long enough for some fish and chips and a quick, brisk walk. It did give me knitting time in the car though and after another bash this morning, I have now finished my gorgeous Delphinium Roger Socks. I have to say that both the yarn and the pattern are two of favourites.

I shall certainly be casting on another pair very soon. I'm just considering my next pair of socks and I think I may well be casting on some Waffle Creams, the March pattern from Anne Hanson's BNKC . I haven't made a yarn choice yet, but it may well be the little grey beauty below.

These skeins are all Angel 4ply sock from the Natural Dye Studio, in colourways Heather, Graphite and  Atlantis. It is a mix of  70% alpaca, 20% silk and 10% cashmere and so, so soft! I'll let you know my choice next time!

I'll leave you with a couple of moody shots taken from the car window on the way home yesterday. The sky may have been dark and grey, but the magnificent yellow of the oilseed rape brightened up the landscape, like a canary yellow patchwork. Just glorious!


josiekitten said...

I love your Roger socks, the yarn goes perfectly with the pattern. It's one of my favourite sock patterns at the moment! Have a good (4day!!) week! xx

AnnaPrasad said...

Love the socks, especially the colour. And that pattern on them is so gorgeous!

Lynne said...

Your socks are gorgeous, as are all three skeins of yarn! Good luck choosing one. :)

busybusybeejay said...

Those socks are great.Very neat turn.I wish I could manage that!

Sarah said...

Lovely socks! I am with you on the four day week. When will the government bring that in for us overworked teachers?! I have enjoyed the oilseed rape On the way up to Scotland and back, though I Don't like it's smell. Enjoy the extra day!

Helsie said...

Love all your socks. Guess you really need them in the cold you've had recently. I'd like to try knitting socks one day but don't think my boots would fit wearing thick socks and wearing boots doesn't happen much in Queensland!

Puglette said...

congratulations to Pixie!! Your socks are beautiful. We still have grey days here in the Pacific NW.

kate said...

So do you call it rape oil over there then? Over here it is canola, and I love the yellow fields when we drive across the prairies in spring (have only done that a few times, mind).

Love the yarn colours. With the softness of the yarn, are you concerned at all about socks wearing out more quickly?

Duke said...

Love your socks! You do such beautiful work!
Congratulations to Pixie.

Tracy said...

Congrats to Pixie on the win! And the socks are scrumptiously beautiful, Ros...these close-ups on the texture are fab! :o) Love the moody pics too. It's been up & down with weather here--really fine one day, chilly & wintry the next...bbbrrr... Happy week ((HUGS))

melissa said...

congratulations to pixie!!
oh goodness - your roger socks turned out perfectly!! i love them! between you and a certain kitten there is no way i can resist putting the pattern in my queue.

Pixie said...

.....oh my goodness, i never win anything so this is just so exciting, thank you thank you so so much, i cant believe it,,, i am just so excited.

I did try to find an email address for you so i can send you my address, but i cant see one,,i know its me, i never see whats right in front of my face, so do forgive me if ive missed it,,thank you again.
Pixie xx

miek said...

i know what cold weather it was, we had that too, a few weeks ago!
my wrist is still hurting, now even when i`m typing so it will be still from this side of the line but i am reading it all.
and love,love, love your socks!