Sunday, 13 May 2012


Who would have thought that we would have been enjoying a BBQ today, after the shocking run of weather over the last few weeks. But BBQ we did and very nice it was too. It's been a busy week and a busy weekend, with a big family wedding yesterday. The sun shone, the setting was beautiful and a good time was had by all.

Knitting has again taken a back seat this week, as I struggle to keep on top of the ever growing list of demands made of me at school. Sophie's little blue cardi now has a back and I have cast on the right front, but I have to say, although the finished design is lovely, moss stitch is pretty mind numbing...... and not in a good way!!! So, progress is slow.

I managed to cast on a pair of colourful, easyknit socks for my eldest daughter today. She and her husband have been staying for the weekend and she requested 'another pair in something bright'. So, here we go!

These will make perfect car knitting for our journey up to Manchester next weekend. It's a great pattern and makes a well fitting pair of simple ribbed socks. The pattern is 'Wise Hilda's Basic Ribbed Sock' by Kate
Atherly and the yarn is an olsd staple for easy socks, Regia Design Line.  

I'm pretty sure I should manage to complete these by the end of next weekend, so that I can leave them with her. I really need to clear all my WIPs before casting on anything new, but I do like to always have an easy pair of socks on the needles, to take with me out and about.

Have a good week!


josiekitten said...

That Regia yarn is lovely! Should make for some fun knitting! Have a good week! xx

Kat Jorgensen said...

Love the socks! I'm glad the wedding went well. We want pictures, Ros.

Hope you have a wonderful week.

Lynne said...

Love that sock yarn, it's so bright and cheery. It's also nice to see that you've had some good weather. Here in Belfast we haven't had anything like the rain there as been in England, and it's been quite nice most of the week - except for today! It's rained all afternoon and evening. :)

catkin tales said...

i'm so glad the sun came out for your family wedding :) i have to agree the weather has been rather dysmal of late.
i am in love with that yarn♥

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Ros! What a perfect place for the wedding! I'm happy to hear that your had a lovely weather and wonderful weekend!
Your new knitting is beautiful, I love that mixied happy colour yarn!
Happy week! x Teje

Tracy said...

LOVE that rainbow-stripy yarn, Ros--that is some very HAPPY-colored wool! So lovely the sun was there just in time of the wedding! It's been a very dull, damp and chilly spring here...actually, we're waiting for real spring to kick in! ;o) Happy Week, my friend ((HUGS))

Duke said...

What a gorgeous setting for a wedding!
Love the socks!

AnnaPrasad said...

Oh good on you for having a BBQ, we did too. It was such glorious weather. Love the yarn for the socks.

Daisy Loves Knit and Stitch said...

You were very lucky to have good weather and the location looks lovely. It has been very cold and wet here on the Wirral. I totally agree with your comments on moss stitch knitting. I knitted a whole cardigan for myself a while ago and then didn't like it in the end. It came out way too big and the rather expensive wool went all fuzzy. Sometimes you don't know how it will turn out until you get too the end when you have put all the hard work in. Looking forward to following your blog.

melissa said...

a lovely pair of socks!
glad to hear you're enjoying such nice weather!!