Sunday, 20 May 2012


I think these are what you might call  rather loud, brash, over the top, garish, showy, kitschy,showy, but hey, that's what the girl asked for. Well, she did say she wanted a pair of fun, bright socks. I guess I could add those two words to the list of adjectives that describe them, don't you? They are certainly not the most memorable pair of socks I have ever made, neither are they the least pleasing. They are certainly up there in the brightness stakes though!!!!! 

The yarn is Regia AND it's from stash. HOORAY!!! I hear you shout. I'm not quite sure what possessed me to buy such a garish collection of stripes, but they have sat in my stash quietly waiting their turn for quite a while now. I'm sure they were thrilled to hear an affirmative when they were cautiously shown to the innocent recipient. 'Yes!' she said, 'Umm, yes, alright then!' I took that to mean that she was already madly in love with the dazzling, upbeat stripyness of it all. 'Let's get cast on quick!' methought, before she changes her mind. At least I have the security of knowing, that I have supplied my dearly loved eldest daughter with a suitable pair of lovingly made socks, to ensure that she will be seen at all times, whether day or night on the dark streets of Manchester, when all street lighting has failed ;-). Don't worry, I am absolutely certain that these little lovelies will be kept warm and snug.......................and hidden, inside BOOTS!

There's been not much doing in the Snoopydog home this weekend. We were suppoesd to be in Manchester this weekend, but ongoing electrical problems in Mr Snoop's office has led to a 'stay at home' instead. Think we'll give it a try next weekend instead! I have school reports weighing heavily on my mind, but needless to say, I've done evertything in my power to evade the monster. So, marmalade is made.....

...... Herman, the German Friendship Cake  has been nurtured, fed and watered.....

 ....... and my camera cleared of school photos. Here'a a few bright little splashes of colour from my classroom this week. Egyptian and Norwich displays were coming down and Kenyan ARTWEEK dispalys getting ready to go up. Our school is taking part in the Norfolk and Norwich Open Studios event. Basically, our school becomes a public art gallery for a week!

 That's the Ancient Egyptians done with. Now lets get on with the African sunsets over the Masai Mara game reserve.

I'll try to remember to take some pics of the finished works of art, to show you next week.
Have a good one!


josiekitten said...

What a shame you didn't make it up to Manchester. Those socks are certainly bright! How our taste in yarn has changed!! Have a great week. xx

Lynne said...

That sock yarn is great, I like how the colours merge together - it's like little waves.

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Ros! You have really happy and colourful post today! You have made so beautiful different kind of socks, but also these are lovable! I enjoy those colours!
Great art at the school - more happy colours - wonderful inspiration!
Have a great week! x Teje

catkin tales said...

i think the stipey socks you made are beautiful! your daughter's feet will be lovely and snug in them.
i do love seeing sunny jars of homemade marmalade :)sadly i'm the only one in my family that likes it, therefore i never get to make it.
the german friendship cake sounds interesting, is that rather like the amish tradition?

warmest wishes to you and oscar xxx

busybusybeejay said...

I love those socks!My daughter teaches Year 6 and they heard on Friday they are being Ofsteded this Tuesday and Wednesday,right after SATs.She is not a happy bunny.

Kathy said...

Ha! Ha! I thought it was just me who puts the nasty things off!!!!
We made the Herman cake in class earlier this year ... the children loved it. The art is fantastic, nearly as bright as the socks!!!
We've got a couple of big events in school this week before I can even think about starting the reports, so it looks like I'll be working on them through half term again!!!
Have a good week!

Lyn said...

They are as bright as an African Sunset!
I love the Egyptian display, there are so many different and fun things to do with that topic. I have a Herman in our pantry as we speak but I have done SO much baking these past few days I can't face him!!!

catkin tales said...

yes, lily and i have missed you both these past months.
it has been lovely catching up with your news, most especially the fabulous and very beautiful wedding! warmest congratulations xx

p.s. i forgot to mention in my previous post how wonderful your classroom looks!

Sarah said...

Lovely brightness in all areas this week! Good luck with the reports. I just have a 'next steps' part to add to the ongoing termly reports we have done this year-which I think has been more work than just doing them now. Ah well!

Shannon said...

Yayyy! I'm glad the crazy, stripey sock yarn has found a good home :-)

Helsie said...

I'm sooo impressed with your art work. The sunset ones look like they will turn out well too. Now I look back at all that work teaching I don't know how I did it !!
But what on earth is that cake????

Kim Sonksen said...

I love those socks - they are wicked. What pettern did you use for them? I am looking for a simple pattern and this one looks great for a beginner like me

Duke said...

Those are fun socks! We just love them!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

AnnaPrasad said...

Such nicely colour socks! I love that you're making Herman the friendship cake. My brother and I were just talking about making one when we were younger...Hope it turns out well!

Unknown said...

MMMMMMM Marmalade!!!!
Best wishes Molly

Willow said...

Lovely socks. I like the wave patterns--they should be worn at the seashore.

I'm very impressed with your students' artwork! Being in the midst of correcting student essays, I feel your pain on grading.

melissa said...

the socks are coming along nicely!

we have that cake recipe in the states, but we call it amish friendship cake!

and in a town just 30min west of me is a town of german heritage and they have a huge hermann the german statue!

catkin tales said...

thought i'd pop over to wish you and oscar a lovely jubilee weekend xxx