Sunday, 3 June 2012


Hello there! So sorry I missed you last week. We were away for the weekeend, helping Sophie celebrate her second birthday ..........

.......... with Oscar and Scott of course.....

and arrived home late on Sunday and then the week just whooshed by. You know what I mean! I have been gathered up, whirled around, strung up, hung out and then dropped off..........................  to enjoy half-term!!! Mind you, it's report writing time and I haven't done too well so far this year. Normally, I try to complete the bulk of the work before this holiday, but with one thing and another, my evenings have been taken up with test paper marking, grading forms and all manner of other school bits and bobs. Never mind, the weather forecast is not looking good, so at least I won't be yearning to be outside in the sunshine. My plan for the week is to report write and mark writing tasks whilst the weather is grumpy and work as efficiently as possible. That means NOT spending time browsing Ravely and blogs!!!! That's rather a tall order for Snoops, but we'll see how we go.

It's the Queen's Diamond Jubilee weekend here. I spent Friday teaching a class of thirty kings, queens, princes and princesses! We had to go swimming in the morning as well; not easy when you are dressed in all your royal finery!!!! The children were due to have a special Jubilee picnic at lunchtime on the school fireld, but needless to say it rained and we had to be inside. It didn't dampen the spirits though! We spent our lesson time finding out all about the Royal Family and uncovered some rather interesting facts....... interesting to 7 and 8 year olds anyway. Did you know that Buckingham Palace has 78 bathrooms and that two people are employed to look after the 300 clocks? No. I didn't either!

Knitting has once again taken a backseat, although I have managed to complete the rather garish socks for one of my daughters.

I also received some rather lovely organic yarn from America. It's from Ecobutterfly Organics and is 70% organic cotton and 3% soft virgin copper. Yes, I know, that does sound a little strange, but you cannot see the copper and it certainly doesn't detract from the lovely soft undyed cotton. It's all ready to make 'Wandering Thyme', the May pattern from Anne Hanson's BareNakedKnitspot club.

Perhaps I can use this gorgeous stuff as the carrot to get on with my reports!!! One reprt rewards me with one hour of knitting. Hmm, don't think that will work very well.

I promised to show you some of the completed artwoek that we displayed for the Norfolk Open Studios art gallery event. We have been learning all about Kenya and Kenyan animal habitats, which easily gave me some ideas. So, welcome to the Maasai Mara game reserve. Please keep your hands and bags inside the vehicle!

Watch out! There's a herd of zebra on the move! These were charcoal on white or chalk on black.

Just before I go, I must share this gorgeous little family photo that I captured on Friday evening as we walked Oscar around the lake.

Hope you have a good week!


Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Well I don't know where to start there is so much temptation in your post.
Your students' artwork is amazing, happy belated birthday to dear Sophie and the lads are as handsome as ever...
Have a great week, enjoy the knitting and who needs that many bathrooms anyway!
Susan x

Teje Karjalainen said...

Happy Birthday to Sophie! Wow, 2 years already! You must have had fun party and I'm happy Oscar joined you! Great art from the children and you made fantastic, happy socks! Hugs from Teje & Nero

bellaboo said...

Did the dogs get any cake?
Hope Sophie had a lovely birthday...and those cygnets are so cute! Happy Jubilee weekend. :0)

Mrs Twins said...

Well it was so nice to see these beautiful photographs. Not to mention the children's work. I am glad you have been having fun celebrating the Diamond Jubilee with the children. It's certainly worth celebrating.
Love and best wishes Suex

AnnaPrasad said...

Love the socks, the colours are just amazing. And those pictures are just so great.

Kathy said...

Hi Ros, can't believe Sophie is two already. Where does time go?
Love the African art. We do something very similar in Year 3 every year. We had a lovely sunny jubilee party on Friday .... great fun!
I'm facing report writing in my half term too. I should have been more organised!
Have a good week despite the reports!

Sarah said...

All great shots Ros! I love the lake photos, and the cup cake affair for Sophie, and the socks and art work. I am like you, normally I manage to do work before this holiday, but I think, as every other year, the work has got that little bit harder as usual, and there is more to do. It is subtle but every year it creeps up a little bit more!
Anyway, hope you have a good half term. These four days are reserved, then I am visiting my friend's studio, then Tyhursday is work day! Blehh!

Lynne said...

78 bathrooms?! Imagine having to clean all of those!! :O I do like the birthday busn, and the socks are fantastic, I LOVE the colours.

Lyn said...

The children have gone Royal family mad in scholl this past week. I love your post and hope you manage to have a bit of time to yourself this half term.

Duke said...

Happy Birthday, Sophie! Those cupcakes sure look yummy!
We love the cygnets. They're so cute!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Tracy said...

WOW... so much fun! Having been an Anglophile all my life I'm celebrating in heart far away. :o) It's been a thrill to see all the festivity celebrating the Queen. Sophie is 2 now already?! I know it was a precious day celebrating for you all. LOVE those stripey socks. I look forward to some knitting & creative time now again post-travelling. We're just back from our trip the US. Lovely to catch up here with you, Ros. ((HUGS))

intrepidotter said...

LOVE the family photo! such cuteness :)

Jennyff said...

How can you work with that goregous yarn beckoning,
such temptation. Hope you do get going soon, I'm longing to see what you're making and the infusion of copper sounds fascinating.

sajuki said...

amazing photos :D

josiekitten said...

Love those birthday cupcakes!! Am interested to have a squish of that yarn too! Hope the reports are going well! xx

melissa said...

happy birthday to miss sophie!

love your completed socks - they're lovely!

your students' art is so amazing - what wonderful projects!