Sunday, 22 July 2012


Well here it is! I've started and so have the summer holidays. HOORAY! Very little knitting got done during the last week, as there was still so much transfer information to prepare and collate at school. However, on Friday evening I breathed one big sigh of relief and cast on my 'Color Affection'. Hopefully, it will be completed in time for annual family gathering at the cottage in Pickering, in August. It wil kkeep my shoulders warm on cooler evenings whilst we are sitting outside.

As you can see, it is very simple to knit in basic garter stitch. I was eager to get as far as the first striping, at least. It took me a little while to decide upon the colour order, but I have to say that I came down on the side of starting with the lightest colour and ending (the outer edging) with the darkest.

This pattern is currently one of the most popular on Ravelry and I spent some time reading the mods that many knitters have made. I decided to go with a yarnover before the second stitch on each row, to ease the edges. I am a fairly tight knitter anyway, and so far the plan appears to have been a good one.

It's the perfect project to help me wind down and ease into the hols!

It's going to be 'all change' in September when schol resumes, as we bade farewell on Friday to our current headteacher who has decided to retire. It will be a time of uncertainty, as well as change, as new brooms like to sweep clean. Our new head is a female and surprisingly, it eill the first time I have worked under a female head throughout my teaching caree. She does seem very nice and I'm sure we will all rise to new challenges and a fresh outlook. Until September though...................... let's not talk or think about school!

Have a good week everyone!


Lynne said...

I've seen quite a few versions of this shawl, and it's a beautiful pattern. Also I think the shape is very wearable. I do like the colours you've picked for yours. Also those scones look delicious, and I haven't had my dinner yet!

josiekitten said...

Love your CA already! I must dig out my yarn and get it wound ready for the holidays! See you soon to do some spinning! xx

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

I think the shawl will be lovely.
You have a much shorter break there than here... our kids and teachers were finished the end of June and they don't return till after Labour Day in September.
Enjoy every moment of your holidays!
Susan x

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Ros! Absolutely no school talk during the holidays! That shawl looks beautiful and simple; that's good to finish quickly! I love your colours! I could knit now in busy August when resting in the evenings but what ... I should finish the rainbow jacket blaah.
I wish you wonderful holidays! Relax and have fun! Hugs to you and Oscar! x Teje

Tracy said...

LOVELY new shawl you're working on, Ros... I like the simplicity of it, and not least the "classic" feel of the colors you've chosen. Those scones are calling me... LOL! I've not made scones in a while, so this inspired! ;o) Hoping all will go well with the new head on board at school later... For now enjoy the last of the hols! :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

Helsie said...

Hope the weather behaves for you so that you can enjoy your holidays. Have a well earned break and a good rest.

AnnaPrasad said...

Lovely knitting. Love the colours! Enjoy the summer! Anna

Sarah said...

Good to see you are started on your holiday projects so quickly! We finished today-so happy! I hope it all goes well with your new head teacher-though you are right-no point thinking about it till September!

Anonymous said...

LOVE that's just so soothing I can almost smell lavender!

I sure hope your new headteacher turns out to be nice..alright, no more school-talk till, when do u say?..yeah..September!
Enjoy your time..

Anonymous said...

LOVE that's just so soothing I can almost smell lavender!

I sure hope your new headteacher turns out to be nice..alright, no more school-talk till, when do u say?..yeah..September!
Enjoy your time..

p.s.: For some reason, my bloglink isn't ahowing up. Sorry for the annonymous comment. Not guilty!
htt:// (Pawprints in The Sands of Time)

melissa said...

oooh i love that pattern! can't wait to see how yours knits up!