Sunday, 1 July 2012

GOOD TIMES........

Well hello! Sorry to have missed you last week. I had been away for the weekend and got home fairly late on Sunday evening. Needless to say, 'bloggy stuff' is a no-go area at the moment, as all the end of year reporting and transfer info needs to be completed at scholl, so very, very busy.

The sun was shining this morning, so we headed for the coast. I love spur of the moment decicions for a day out. We had a really lovely day, with fish and chips in Aldeburgh, afternoon tea at Snape Maltings and an ice-cream in Southwold. A relaxing way to spend a day!

There is very little 'woolly goodness' to report. I really do promise to do better this week. I have made a little headway with 'Almost Ovals' and my socks, but not enough to merit a photo.

However, I do have a very lovely BNKC swap parcel to show you, from my dear swap partner Katherine, in the U.S.

I received two beautiful skeins of sock yarn. A gorgeous skein of 'tosh sock' in the colourway, 'midnight in Manhattan' thought up by the owner of the store it was bought from, 'The Yarn Company' in NYC. We swapped a Knitspot pattern too. I received  Hayrick Socks and once I have cleared a few other WIPs, I shall be forging ahead with them. The other skein is a pretty mint green merino by Hazel Knits. This skein is also destined to become a pair of socks, when there are 40 hours in a day!!!! Also included were other yummy goodies; some delicious tea, soem gorgeously fruity wipes and a very clever little pair of fold-up scissors. Oscar was included too, of course. He received a treat ball and some blueberry treats, along with a doggy smoothie, which is waiting in the freezer for a suitably hot day. Weren't we lucky! I have really enjoyed getting to know Katharine and we have already agreed to do another swap in the Autumn.

Before, I forget, I must show you some photos I took last weekend, whilst looking after little Sophie. She managed to find the most humoungous puddle ever.

 No, it didn't all end in tears! She just picked herself up and continued the fun!

 Have a good week  and thank you so much for stopping by for a visit.


IntrepidOtter said...

Cute baby girl having fun! Your surprise pack of yarn and goodies looks scrumptious!

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Ros! That must have been wonderful trip! All your photos are so beautiful! I think I would love English summer. As I can see also Sophie enjoyes her self with her rain costum!
You have received absolutely delicous packet! Blueberry goodies for Oscar - that is something special and the toy to hide them is great!
Happy and hopefully not too busy week! x Teje

josiekitten said...

Lovely parcel!! I like the blue yarn especially. Will have to have a squish next weekend!! Great photo of Sophie in the puddle! See you soon! xx

Sarah said...

Hi Ros! Just catching up with all your goings on! Love the Sophie in the giant puddle picture and the seaside shots. I must go back to Suffolk this summer, though try hard not to get a speeding ticket!
I have only read one Murakami book-'Norwegian Wood' which I enjoyed, although it was pretty depressing! I have the Wind Up Bird Chronicle but have not read it yet. Must get around to it! Have a good week. I feel the end is in sight as far as last minute jobs go-after this weekend I think I can relax! Hope you can too.

Duke said...

What a wonderful weekend you had! Love the pictures!
You have us smiling, Sophie!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Tracy said...

Oh, what fun, Ros... and look a little little Miss Sophie! So many yarn goodies... YUM! ;o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

bellaboo said...

What lovely photos,and sunshine to boot.Must have a trip to Suffolk again sometime..we always seem to end up in Norfolk every year. Oh to be young again and playing in puddles! :0)

Wyatt said...

What a nice get-a-way. Love your peaceful and happy.

Hugs to Oscar. He got some great gifts too :D

Wyatt and Stanzie

melissa said...

oh i love your pictures from the coast... so lovely, makes me want to pack up for a vacation across the pond!
sophie is too cute! can't keep a kid out of water... :)