Sunday, 12 August 2012

BUSY, BUSY, BUSY...................

 .......................OH YES!!!!!!!!!

Love, love, love it!!! I cast off using a size 5 to ensure a loose enough cast-off and it worked. It' such an easy but satisfying knit. 

I've also managed to finish my Ravelenic Games entry, the 'Summer Fun Socks'. Again, they were a quick and easy knit. 

 The summer holidays are slowly but surely ebbing away. In fact they seem to be disappearing way, way too quickly for my liking. There has been plenty of catching up with friends too! Josiekitten came to visit last Monday for a spinning day. I've not progressed very speedily, since buying my wheel last summer and decided that some Josiekitten encouragement was needed.

Hey! Not bad for a beginner. Hopefully I'll be able to show my finished efforts pretty soon. 

Yarn arrived this week too. One delicious skein of Briar Rose Fibers Stella, all ready to cast on Anne Hanson's new pattern, 'Twig and Leaf'. It's such a beautiful pattern.......

................. and equally beautiful yarn!!!! Something lovely to look forward to starting in the autumn.

We're off to the cottage in Yorkshire tomorrow for twelve days and looking forward to lots of fun, lng walks, sea air, forest peace, good ale, food and company!! I've got my projects ready.....

I'll try and pop in next weekend to let you see what's inside the bags and how I'm getting on. Have a good week everyone!


Lynne said...

Oh my goodness!! Your shawl is GORGEOUS!!! Happy wearing! :)

Teje Karjalainen said...

Dear Ros, that is so good! I love everything in your new shawlet - colour, yarn, stripes! Looks so beautiful wrapped over your shoulders! If I ever finish my cardigan (I didn't even start yet), next I want to make that shawlet. Will you please help me then to find out how you made those wavy stripes.
Have a joyful week! x Teje

Sarah said...

Your shawl is beautiful Ros! I love the way the pattern waves across it and the colours you have used too. Glad you are having fun knitting in your holiday!

bellaboo said...

That is a very lovely shawl indeed.
Hope you all have a fabulous holiday in Yorkshire.Happy knitting! :0)

Tracy said...

WOW... wow... Your Affection shawl is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS, Ros! This is really somethings special. LOVE those soft, heathery colors too.It's like waves, the pattern, ocean waves...*sigh*... You really did a beautiful finish there. And the socks too--so lovely! The spinning is great fun to see--hooray! Enjoy your holiday! ((HUGS))

melissa said...

oh so much beauty in this post!
your shawl turned out so so amazingly beautiful! wonderful wonderful job!!
love the socks too - you're really on a roll over there!

kate said...

Ros the shawl is simply stunning.

Enjoy Yorkshire, I'll look forward to the photos!

Willow said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Love that rainbow!

Enjoy your visit. My school holiday is ebbing away too. Definitely not ready for September.

josiekitten said...

Love the Color Affection, I wonder if you have worn it yet? Can't wait to see your finished handspun!

cmvs said...

wow, your shawl is absolutely stunning! i'm super impressed with your handspun too! wonderful!