Sunday, 5 August 2012


Well, the Olympics are moving on very successfully and my 'Color Affection' has been the perfect Olympics knitting. The long rows seems to whizz past in a flash, whilst watching Murray, or Ainslie or Jess Ennis fulfill their Olympic dreams. I'm loving the rainbow arching stripes! So, here it is done and dusted. I cast off this afternoon and it's now safely blocking.

I followed the pattern pretty much as written, although I did read lots of other knitters notes before beginning. From their comments, I added a yarnover after the fiirst stitch on every right-side row, which was then dropped on the following wrong-side row. This has ensured that my edges were not too tight. I also went up a whole needle size to cast off, again to avoid the cast-off becoming too tight. Both seem to have worked well.

I've also managed to whip along and complete the first of my pair of Ravellenic socks. The pattern is easily memorised and grow quite quickly. They need to be completed before the end of the Olympic closing ceremony next Sunday. Think I should just about manage that!

More athletics to watch this evening, so I'll leave you with the beauty and serenity of a real rainbow, captured yesterday afternoon. I left it a little too late to shoot the brightest colours, but it's still lovely!


josiekitten said...

Oooooooooh! It looks fabulous! Can't wait to see it tomorrow. Get your spinning wheel ready! xx

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Ros! That is so beautiful shawl and unique pattern! Those tips you found, sound really good. Often the edge becomes too tight.
I haven't seen much Olympics here; I don't know why they don't show them well or perhaps we are at home in wrong time. I'm looking forward to see the closing ceremony! The beginnign show was fantastic with Mary Poppins and those bicycle birds!
I wish you great week! x Teje

Duke said...

Your shawl is fabulous! We just love it and we love your beautiful socks too! You do such wonderful work!

Tracy said...

*SWOON* Your Color Affection is brilliant, Ros...BIG WOW is that one. I just love the unique shape and coloring of this one. The socks are so pretty too--lovely minty-green color. Oh, but it was wonderful to see Andy Murray win the gold for tennis! I've not been watching the Games a lot, as I'm selective with TV time, but have been enjoying what I've been watching. And will look forward to seeing what they come up with for the closing ceremonies, since the opening was so fantastic. Happy Days ((HUGS))

Lynne said...

Wow and wow! Both of these are gorgeous. Good luck with the second sock. :)

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Its wonderful how your country folk are doing so great at the Games.
I think the shawl is beautiful, just the perfect addition to your early Fall wardrobe.
Susan x

Unknown said...

LOVELY!Colours and pictures from this and your earlier blog post.
Yeah! We totally loved the opening ceremony. Especially the new Bond Girl!!!
And the suave boat-driver!

And the magnificent stage...what a treat!

We are quite enjoying the games. Only it keeps us awake till the wee hours and both I and my husband go about our work like zombies the other day!

melissa said...

oh wow, your shawl turned out so so gorgeous!

love the sock too - that shade of green is perfect!

Willow said...

I can't wait to see a photo of you wearing the shawl--it's such an unusual shape.
We were gone to the coast camping all last week so we missed so much of the Olympics. But the opening was magnificient!

fromsophiesview said... your rainbow project!!

cmvs said...

I'm totally impressed by quickly you finished those socks. It usually takes me years to finish a pair (and sadly, I'm not even exaggerating). Love the color of them and your shawl is magnificent!
