Sunday, 9 September 2012


 Hey, the sun is out, the sky is blue, AT LAST! I've managed to work on 'Almost Ovals' a little bit each evening .It's coming along nicely now, but isn't a particularly quick knit as I can't memorize the 24 row pattern!

 It's such a pretty pattern and the yarn is gorgeous: it's actually a little more greeny-blue than my photos show.

An afternoon sitting in the garden is planned, with that little ball of yarn geetting smaller and smaller and the end of my scarf getting nearer and nearer :-).

Next week,  I'll be able to show it blocked and ready to go.................... I hope! Have a good week.


josiekitten said...

That is lovely, can't wait to see it done! I couldn't remember the pattern either! Have a good week! xx

AnnaPrasad said...

It looks lovely. That colour is gorgeous, and the pattern is so pretty. Good luck finishing it this week.

Sarah said...

Beautiful work! Glad you have found some time to knit despite going back to work this week. I don't know about you, but I have found it a struggle!

busybusybeejay said...

I love that pattern and the colour is lovely.

Duke said...

It's just gorgeous and the color is so striking!

Lynne said...

It's gorgeous! And it looks good and long. I'm sorry I didn't make mine a bit longer.

kate said...

So pretty!!

Tracy said...

SCRUMPTIOUS COLOR and pattern...that is a LOT of knitting, Ros! There's such a very calm, serene feeling about that oval pattern, I really like it. I tend to stick to simple patterns, myself...nothing over an 8-10 row repeat, else I forget too quickly...LOL! Glad all's well back to school. Hope it's a great year. Oh, and many thanks for taking the survey. :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

Unknown said...

SUCH a gorgeous Blue!I have a dress in that exact colour and I love it.
That pattern looks pretty...

melissa said...

oh my ros - this is absolutely gorgeous!