Sunday 28 February 2010


 Good evening everyone! What a dull, wet and miserable weekend we've had. It really is time for Spring to start to show her presence I think. I need, need, need  some colour to brighten up this winter gloom and so, just in case you do too, I'll start by showing you 'progress so far' on my 'special' ripple blanket. I've been rather slow, but have managed to complete another three bands of colour this week.... in between puppy duties and school!!!

I've also begun to suffer a little bit of sock deprivation. I know that sounds very strange, when only a few weeks ago I was bemoaning the 2009 Sock Challenge and how stressful it sometimes was, to complete at least one pair a month, alongside all my other projects. Yesterday, the urge became unbearable! I just NEEDED some colour and to feel the lovely, smooth, birch wood of some teeny tiny 2.5mm's between my fingers.  You know how it is. Yesterday, I just HAD to knit a sock!!!!!



The yarn is Schoppel-Wolle's, Crazy Zauberball in Tropical Fish colourway. I bought it at the 'I-Knit Weekender' last September. The colours are really gorgeous, although the yarn itself is a little thin for my liking and not springy enough. But, the need yesterday was for colour and I didn't want to use my special 'hand-dyed' skeins. The pattern I'm using is called 'Charade' and its a free Ravelry download. It's well written and is a very easy two row repeat herringbone rib pattern. I've  really enjoyed my sock indulgence this weekend.

Yesterday afternoon, the rain gradually eased off long enough for Mr Snoopydog and I to take Oscar for his first proper outing. He has been out and about in the neighbourhood this week (now that he has finished his puppy innoculations) and has thoroughly enjoyed saying 'hello' to the neighbours, both two and four-legged. So, we set off for the local water park, hoping to beat the next rain shower. 


As you can see we had a thoroughly pleasant time. The sun came out just for Oscar and he made it very clear, that he thinks this world is a pretty amazing place! He met lots of doggy 'friends', human 'friends' swan 'friends', duck 'friends' and geese 'friends'. Yep, as far as Oscar is concerned they are all FRIENDS. What a great way to lok at life! He touched his paw into the icy cold lake, chased a dancing leaf and saw his first rainbow in the sky. What an afternoon of doggy excitement! We let him play without his lead for a short time.......... yes, the butterflies iwere fluttering in my tummy, but we've worked hard on getting him to 'come' when called and he has responded really well in the garden. He did us proud! 

Oscar we love you so much!

Well, that's enough excitement for this week. I hope to have a PAIR of socks to show you by next weekend and maybe a new 'special baby' project too!

Have a good week everyone and thanks so much for stopping by to say 'hello'!


Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

The colours are like candy in a confection store ... yummy.
Speaking of delights that Oscar is growing so fast and off on a new venture amongst the swans... lucky lad.
Susan x

Helsie said...

Oscar looks like a typical Lab - looks like he loves water and would be in that pond if he was allowed!
He's going to give you a lot of pleasure I think.

Jennyff said...

Good work the sock (I know what you mean about withdrawal symptoms), great progress with the ripples and best of all quality time with Oscar. The weather may have been dull but your week certainly hasn't.

Aussie Maria said...

Lots of colour there both in the ripple and the sock yarn

melissa said...

what an amazing color explosion you have given us! the blanket is coming along like a dream and those socks are just awesome!
you also have a wonderful mosaic of the colors of a coming springtime! add in the world's cutes puppy and this is a five-star blogpost!!
hooray color!!!

bellaboo said...

Love the rainbow of colours!
Isn't it fun watching Oscar learning about the world.Looks like the training is going well.
I have an award for you over at

Bellaboo :o)

Dandy Duke said...

What beautiful yarn and we love your sock!
Oscar sure had a great weekend!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mandy said...

Beautiful socks, gorgeous puppy, perfect blog post!

Tracy said...

Your Ripple is a delight to see, Ros... A balm for my very winter-sore eyes too! Like you, I'm more than ready for spring to make her grand entrance any moment now. It's been such a long, cold, snowy, gray winter here...*sigh*... Also a happy sight is those sock--that color way is WOW! And sooo sweet to see Oscar out & about exploring and meeting the world--he is just sooo cute! :o) Happy Days to you all ((HUGS))

Lynne said...

Oohh!! That sock yarn is a gorgeous colour, I had to stroke the screen!!

Kathy said...

Fab socks ... gorgeous wool - so bright and cheerful! Makes you think of Spring even if it's not here yet.
I love your photos of Oscar, making sense of the world.
Enjoy your puppy days.... they grow up so fast. Labs just love water, we have to towel Inca dry aftermost walks...because her walks turn into swims whenever she can find water.
Love Kathy xxx

BonnyBadger said...

oooo i love your page. I have started knitting recently but am at the scarf stage only!!!! I love that multicoloured wool. I have been using super-chunky as I am extremely impatient and LOVE the quick results!
I also love Oscar... I used to have a dog just like him when I was a kid. Seeing pictures of him made me happy and sad at the same time!! How old is he now?

Unknown said...

Nothing like a little color to brighten your days up. I have tried one of those crazy balls on a scarf. Wasn't it fun to work with. Love the socks so far. Sure wish I knew how to knit better, or I'd have a pair too.

Kate - The Garden Bell

josiekitten said...

I know what you mean about needing to knit a pair of socks! Me too! Love the ripple blanket - I'd struggle to part with it I think! Glad Oscar enjoyed his first trip to the park!

Sarah said...

Lovely colours in your ripple blanket and your sock! I love the pictures of Oscar. It is so great that he loves everything! And yes-hurray for Friday! Have a lovely weekend!

Jak said...

Gorgeous sock yarn and lovely ripple. I really must have a go at knitting some socks. The puppy is just yummy, as all puppies are.
Hope you have a bright and sunny weekend.
Jak x

cmv said...

your blanket is looking AMAZING!!!
what a wonderful post full of goodies!