Sunday 11 September 2011


The past week has been way, way too busy for my liking. The first week back at school after the long summer break is always a tough one. My brain has spent too many lazy days wrapped up in yarn. That's where it much prefers to be. None of this quick decision making and multi-tasking please! My new little red spotty notebook is already looking messy with a long list of 'must do's' and my school 'pigeon hole' is bulging to the seams with things to do, things to read and pass on, things to remember and things that I'm sure to forget! How about you? What's your week been like?

Let's get on to nicer, squishier matters. I treated myself to some new books as a 'going back to school' carrot! Needless to say, I've not had much time to look at them yet, but after a quick flick through they look to be useful purchases. The sock design book is lovely, with some great designs that I MUST knit. Here's a quick look at my faves.....

This is 'Almondine' by Anne Hanson. I really need to cast theses on NOW, but as I have three pairs already sitting idle, I think I need to wait. Aren't they great!

Then there's 'Rose Ribs' by Evelyn A. Clark. Such a pretty design!

Next up are these scrumptious 'Knot Socks' by Nancy Bush. I love the simple, but effective design.

Last, but by no means least just feast your eye on these fabulous toe warmers. Aren't they great! I just have to make these very soon.

We're escaping up to our favourite Yorkshire haunts again at half-term, so I plan to cast on a pair of the 'Almondines' to knit whilst we're away. By the time we go, I will have completed 'Longshadows', already be wearing the 'Lacunae Socks' and the 'Fishbone Ganseys' and my 'Purple Haze Socks' will still be smoking from the speed with which they left the needles. Oh and that's not forgetting poor little 'Lila Ludmilla Pompa', who will already be wrapped snugley around my neck! I know...... and pigs might fly!

There is also the exciting prospect of the September yarn package arriving this week, from Anne Hanson's 'Fall in Full Color Club'. No idea what the project is yet, but it's sure to be a good one. Hopefully, I'll be able to show you next week.

Needless to say, knitting progress has been horrendously slow this week, although I have made up a little ground with a three hour stint sitting in the garden this morning. I am trying very hard to complet 'Longshadows' before the next yarn package arrives.

I now have the first half completed, with the stitches waiting patiently on a holder. I began the second half on Friday evening and hve made pretty good speed over the weekend. Once the two halves are complete, they are grafted together, rather like the toe of a sock.

We're still picking lots of delicious tomatoes from the greenhouse. This bowlfull was gathered this morning.

I snapped this shot of Oscar at the same time. He's enjoying the last of summer's rays.

Hope you have a good week. I hope I have one just a bit less crazy than the last!!!!!!


busybusybeejay said...

Its rotten when work gets in the way of knitting!So many projects to do.I can recommend retirement-hours are great-pay not so good but good enough to buy lots of yummy yarn(esp lace weight which I love.)Have you seen Rowan's Fine Lace?

Dominique said...

Good evening ! My last week has been very busy too, but it's a bit different as you. I have no child at school now and finished my work the last friday and now I am in holiday : youpiiii ! I always read your post with pleasure and like your knits and your dog. I have a chocolate labrador ....
Have a good week.

Jo said...

It sounds like you've had a hectic week, let's hope that now you're back in to it, the following weeks won't be quite so bad. It looks like there's plenty of lovely patterns in your new sock book to keep you going. I particularly like the Rose Ribs one. I'm still picking lots of tomatoes too, home grown are so delicious.

josiekitten said...

Some rather nice purchases there Snoops!! My knitting has suffered this week too. I need to get myself more organised for next week!

Lynne said...

Oh my, all the sock patterns are lovely. Good luck with the knitting pile so you can get the socks cast on! :)

Kathy said...

That first week back is always a shock to the system! I've got a lovely little class of 18 Year Fours this year. I haven't taught Y4 for over 20 years ..... and I'm thinking why on earth have I been struggling with Y3 for so long? Y4's already know the routines, so it's been a much easier start for me than usual! I don't know how you've got the energy to knit every night ... I just crash out! Oscar's looking very handsome as always!

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

I'll take a pair of those toe warmers too!
Oscar has the right idea... a little r&r in the sunshine.
Have a great week and oh yes pigs do fly!
Susan x

Dandy Duke said...

We absolutely love the knot socks! They are just so pretty!

Kate said...

Gorgeous socks!

We've been busy as well, as our son has started a new program at a new school in a new language! But so far, so good. Plus the weather is beyond amazing right now, so we're trying to soak up all the sunshine. And fruit!

Hope your next week is a little smoother. I know you'll stay calm dreaming of socks....

Wyatt said...

Love your purpley project...such a pretty color!
You know how we love those tomatoes...breakfast, lunch and dinner...LOL

Wyatt and Stanzie and Mom

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Ros! Your new books look so inviting! I would like to make all those socks and especially the last one with triangles is fantastic!
Great week to you and Oscar!
xxx Teje & Nero

Tracy said...

Oh, yum... food, fiber and books! It's been some busy here too, and I have so many projects I want to work on, but have to keep shuffling between them... LOL! One stitch at a time though, 'eh? ;o) That dreamy blue-purple wool makes my heart sing...*swoon*... Happy new week, Ros ((HUGS))

Sarah said...

Ha! My week has been exactly the same as yours I think! The notebook, the papers, the time. I have been fitting in some felting but not as much as I would like.
I love the look of all those socks-especially the triangle pattern pair. Hope you get some time to do some this week!
I see you bought a book on dyeing-me too! But I think I may look for a class as it seems to need an awful lot of equipment and I just don't have the room with all the other pursuits. It was an interesting read though. Technical and scientific but filled wth gorgeous colour. I also bought one on different types of fleece-again very technical but fascinating. I have been buying different types on ebay recently -a great shop called forest fibres. I even have some banana fibre to try! Hope your week is going well and glad you managed to download the thing alright!