Sunday 12 May 2013


Hello there! So sorry I missed you last weekend, but we disappeared off to visit family; making the most of the Bank Holiday extra day. Any chance to see Sophie and baby Jess is always acted upon very quickly.

This morning the weather was not great, but we ventured up to Whitlingham Broad for lunch and to give Oscar an extra swim and ball chase. Please bear in mind that he had already played, chased and swum here for an hour or so first thing this morning, with Mr Snoops. Being the boisterous young lab that he is, any chance of an extra ball chase is always well received.

Spring, that seemed so far behind only a few weeks ago,  now appears to be in full bloom and we spotted this pretty little Orange Tip butterfly as we strolled. Their bright little flashes of colour always lighten the heart. So pretty! Their wing underside is so cleverly camouflaged to the undergrowth. There were plenty of young goslings too!

It's been another very busy week at school, but I have managed to catch up on a few rows most evenings this week. I'm trying to get the little cardigan for Jess finished, before she outgrows the 3-6 month size that I'm making. She is piling on the pounds and the inches!

Here we go; progress so far. I have almost completed the first sleeve, so this little number should hopefully be ready to go by next weekend. The cable pattern gives a lovely thick, warm finish.

I then need to get the 'Christmas Day' socks completed, Cough, cough! The pattern is Anne Hanson's Movie Night Socks.

I seem to 'moan' most weeks about the state of non-relaxation that I perpetually find myself in, but by and large, I do enjoy my job, especially the goings on inside the classroom. We have been working a beautiful African tale called 'Fly, Eagle, Fly!' for the last couple of weeks.

It's a really beautiful tale about an eagle, brought up amongst chickens, who doesn't realise he can fly, until he is taken to the top of a mountain and as the sunrises and spreads its light and colour across the sky, he looks towards its beauty, reaches out his neck, spreads his wings and flies. It has a clear message about aspirations and achieving our potential, to 'lift off and soar', as described in the words of Desmond Tutu, who writes the forward. It's a truly beautiful book!

Happy week to you all!


Lynne said...

I love the stitch pattern on the cardigan, it looks nice and dense. Are the cables mock cables, or the kind that need a cable needle?

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Ros! What a beautiful butterfly - I haven't met that before. Thank you for sharing the talent from the painters! That theme was very inspiring. Have a lovely week and give hugs to Oscar! x Teje

Dandy Duke said...

What a beautiful butterfly! Love your cardi. It's such a pretty color!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Tracy said...

LOVELY photos! Glad you had some fun time, Ros... and time for knitting! We're off soon ourselves to visit my family later this week--can't wait. There'll be no time for knitting, I don't think...LOL! Happy Days ((HUGS))

melissa said...

what a beautiful butterfly!
glad you got some time with the grandbabies and that mr. oscar got some extra ball/water time!
now everyone's happy!!!

Willow said...

I need to use that tale in my writing class :) This month we've been writing trickster tales, why stories and fairy tales.

Kudos to you for catching a shot of the butterfly! It's lovely!

Wyatt said...

We have never seen a butterfly like that...SO pretty!

Wyatt and Stanzie

kate said...

The butterfly is lovely, great colours.

Sounds like a lovely three days was had. And I haven't heard of that tale, will have to go search it out now!

josiekitten said...

How did I miss this post?! Love the butterfly photo. Glad you had a good weekend 'oop North'!! Not long until half term now. xx