Sunday 18 August 2013


Oh yes! At long last I have managed to reduce my WIP haul by two. Not great, but better than nothing!
This is a really simple, but cute pattern from Erika Knight's book, 'Natural Nursery Knits' and is my second garment completed in readiness for my eldest daughter's baby, due at the beginning of next year. We don't know whether it will be a boy or a girl, so I'm choosing patterns and colours that would be suitable for either.

I really like these little roll-necked baby sweaters and cardigans. They just look a little bit more contemporary than many of the baby patterns around and are quick and easy to complete. I used Rowan 'milk cotton', which is gorgeously soft for little ones and washes well too.

I decided on these buttons, to add a bit of contrast on a single coloured knit. I think they look great!

Next up is a three-quarter sleeved, cropped cardigan by Debbie Bliss, that I begun for myself years ago; in 2009, in fact!

I have no idea what I liked about this pattern at the time, as I really am not keen on the finished look. It sits very wide on the shoulders and tends to slip. It's also a little on the small side.... cough! cough! ;-) The Debbie Bliss 'Cathay' yarn is a beautifully soft cotton, rayon and silk mix, which is no longer available. I have yo say, the camera really doesn't do the colour justice, as it is a much prettier pale blue than I was able to capture.

The yolk and collar were knit all in one; so not as much sewing up as usual, which is always a bonus. I'm really hoping that my eldest daughter will give it a home, but I'm not holding out too much hope!

The weather has been glorious today and I have happily sat in the garden working on the pretty striped cot or buggy blanket that I have already shown you several times. An end is in sight and with that thought in mind, I have already prepared the yarn etc. for my next project. It's 'Aldara', a beautiful heirloom baby shawl/blanket by Judy Furlong, from Fyberspates' 'Scrumptious Baby Collection' book. I'm using the recommended yarn, Fyberspates 'Scrumptious Lace', which is merino/silk blend. It's heavenly!

I took several projects with me up to the cottage in Yorkshire, where we have been for the past couple of weeks, but there was really much time for knitting, as we had family members either staying for a week, or dropping by for a few nights. So, lots of relaxing, dog-walking, talking, eating and drinking..... and fun with Sophie and Jess, of course! Family times are just the best!!!

The holidays are swiftly drawing to a close, so this week is going to be knitting, knitting, knitting, all the way!


Willow said...

I love seeing the photos of Yorkshire and indeed the rest of England. (Such an Anglophile, I am)

That sweater reminds me a lot of the Weasley Sweater in the Charmed Knits book (all Harry Potter themed knits). My grandson asks for a Weasley Sweater EVERY YEAR, and of course I'm happy to oblige.

Enjoy these last weeks of freedom!

kate said...

Lovely baby sweater and wonderful summer photos from 'across the pond'! Enjoy your week of knitting!!

Tracy said...

LOVE all the glimpses from you holidays, Ros... looks like you're having a grand time! And with this being a fab summer... hard not to thrill to the days. LOVE the little blue jumper--the button closure is so nice. Funny what you were saying about the cardi for yourself. I recently unearthed yarn slated for a project back in 2013 and I'm wondering WHY?! Perhaps I can find some other pretty use for it... That's the funny thing about FOs...LOL! Happy Days ((HUGS))

Dandy Duke said...

The little blue sweater is just adorable and we love the buttons! Enjoy knitting, knitting, knitting!

Sarah said...

Hi Ros!
Love the holiday photos. Can't decide on a favourite. I think maybe the sheep and the wooden owl. i like the grown up cardigan you have made-it is a shame you don't after all that effort! It is one of the reasons I don't attempt clothes as I would be so disappointed if I didn't eventually like it. Cowardly crocheter!

josiekitten said...

Well done for finishing that cardigan!! I hope someone will love it enough to wear it. Can't wait to see how that baby blanket progresses, it's a beautiful pattern and yarn. Happy knitting! xx

Lynne said...

The wee blue jumper is gorgeous! Your photos are lovely, I really like the one of the owl.

ZielonaMila said...

Great post, fantastic photos:) Greetings

melissa said...

oh i love both your blue sweaters, but especially the one for you, i'm sorry you're not happy with it. it looks so comfy though!

your holiday in yorkshire looks absolutely fantastic! what a wonderful time you are having!! glad to know you're making the most of your summer holiday!

Northern Monkey said...

Ahh I love the little blue sweater so much, such a lovely colour and design :)