Sunday 12 February 2017


Good evening! Sorry to have missed you last week, but I spent a very lovely weekend in Manchester visiting two of my children and their families. I have to say there has not been an awful lot of knitting going on chez Snoops' over the last week or so. My Advent socks are almost there, with just the last sock to complete. I'm loving the great colour match between yarn and needles! 

I've been dipping into a rather unusual read this week. It's a surprisingly interesting read by Marie Kondo, called 'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying'.......... hmmmmmm! So, in true Marie Kondo spirit, I gave my sock drawers a makeover. I'm rather liking the fact that you can see every pair, as you make your selection for the day.

I've also managed to make space for a few more pairs!!!

We woke to a reasonable covering of snow this morning, that had  fallen upon us silently overnight. It has been bitterly cold and rather dull and miserable today, so a very rare stay 'indoors day' materialised.

There was time to get some sewing organised and started. So, a bit of measuring and a little cutting and the pieces were ready for another contact cushion. I really must move on to try other things, but at present I really love making these gorgeous covers.

I played around for a while with the colourful squares, but still change things around as I began the sewing together.

Here we go! This will be a second cushion for my younger daughter's flat.

It doesn't seem at all possible, but this was the photo taken when Oscar first arrived in our lives seven years ago today. He was the sweetest little pup on the planet and I can't begin to tell you how much joy and love he has brought to our family over the last seven years. He is smart, playful, loving and such a beautiful boy! 

This week has also seen me trying to choose a replacement tree for our back garden. Our magnificent Weeping Willow sadly died last Spring, after contracting HoneyFungus. The tree was enormous and very old and succumbed after being pollarded the previous year; essential for such a large tree in a city centre garden. I felt ridiculously sad about it's demise, but cheered at the prospect of another lovely tree gracing it's spot. The new tree has to be of a variety that will be unaffected by any fungus left in the soil and so, I think my choice will be this beauty. It's a Malus (Crab Apple), but just look at that beautiful blossom. Roll on Springtime!


busybusybeejay said...

WHy is sock knitting so addictive???!!!!(Says she sat here knitting socks)What kind of footwear do you wear them with?Which is your favourite sock yarn make?Barbarax

Jennyff said...

How grown up to have a drawer only for socks and such a tidy and colourful one with the added benefit of space for more. Result.

Dandy Duke said...

Wow - look at all of those beautiful socks! The Crab Apple flower is such a pretty color. Happy Birthday, Oscar!

Tracy said...

Oooo... such scrumptious socks on your needles just now Ros--and LOVE the color-matching! You have so many beautiful pairs of socks. I'd be standing there all day, trying to decide which ones for the day. ;) Your quilt-cushion is progress is such fun--LOVE all those happy colored squares! I've been seeing a lot of folks reading that book. I think it says a lot about us as a society in that we probably have too many possessions and have anxiety over how to store all of it, etc. LOL... What a pity to have lost your weeping willow tree. It is sad when those things happen. Our gardens are our companion, in a way, so it's like the lost of a friend when we lose a tree, etc. A crab apple is a beautiful choice for a new garden companion. And your companion Oscar--7 years... the time goes so fast! Happy Days, Ros ((HUGS))

Wyatt said...

The lovely shades in your sock drawer make me immediately think of spring! Oh and how you will love your Malus Tree. We have a 'Prairie' Fire Crabapple tree and it is one of my favorites. It blooms a little later than the Flowering Cherries, but the color of the dark pink buds and blooms are just drop dead STUNNING!

josiekitten said...

There is nothing more satisfying than a drawer full of cosy handknit socks. Love it! xx