Sunday, 10 June 2012


Hello there! Good to see you again. Yes, it's the sun I'm talking about, as well as you dear reader! I took the photo above from our bedroom window quite early this morning. It felt so good to wake up to sunshine after a week of pretty dismal rain and high winds. I've made the most of it and have been sitting in the garden with my knitting and Kindle for most of the day.

How quickly a week passes when you are relaxing and spending time doing things that you enjoy. A day just seems to drift past and before you know it, it's another day closer to the end of the holiday. However, things have also been achieved, apart from relaxing. My school reports are complete, the summer pots are all planted out, my hair has been cut and my teeth have been checked, cleaned and an old filling replaced.

I've made myself get on and finish Sophie's little cardi. It's a super easy pattern and the yarn is lovely Debbie Bliss 'ecobaby'. I'm not a great fan of working with cotton or of moss stitch, so I'm not sure why I embarked on this project, except that the pattern is really cute. The sleeves are three-quarter, which is why they look slightly out of proportion to the body of the piece. Although I don't consider myself to be an exprt crocheter, I have to say, the edging is incredibly easy and really finishes the garment off beautifully. I'm really plesed with it and hope Sophie will be too.

I've started a couple of new projects too. I know, I already have enough on the needles to last me the rest of the year, but the April and May patterns from Anne Hanson's BarenakedKnitspot Club were just crying out to be brought to life. So, first up are the lovely 'Vanilla Creams'. I'm using some Misti Alpaca Tonos Carnaval, in colourway Surf Blue. It's a delicious mix of 50% alpaca, 30% merino wool, 10% silk and 10% nylon for sock strength.

I couldn't resist casting on the lovely organic undyed cotton with 3% soft copper that I showed you last week. This one is going to be along job, needing full, uninterrupted concentration. Not the best thing to be casting on just as school is about to resume, but never mind. I couldn't resist the urge to at least get all the 587 stitches safely cast on to the needles. 

Yes, you read correctly................ 587 stitches. I'm not sure how long it took me, but it was a pretty long time. I placed a marker at every 100, just in case!

Here we go and we're off. I've completed two rows, with a marker now placed between each pattern repeat. It's such a lovely pattern and the yarn is beautifully fine and surprisingly soft. I do love a lace challenge every so often.

So, after all the excitement of unveiling not one but two new projects, I'll love you and leave you. I have a fair bit of school planning still to do ;-). I'll leave you with a photo taken yesterday evening of our crazy Oscar dog. He usually is 100% addicted to chasing his tennis ball when he is out and about at the water park. The last ten days or so have seen a change in his usual behaviour. He has developed an unhealthy addiction to rather large branches, that he drags from the water. He then spends several minutes running up and down, parading his trophy, whilst trying to keep it perfectly balanced in his mouth. Crazy dog!

See you next week!


Sarah said...

Well done you! i have not done the dentist or the hairdressers, though I did finish my reports. 587 stitches! Good luck with that!
We have to go back to the new classroom tomorrow-not unpacked yet due to various hitches and also no playground yet due to I don't know what-incompetence is my opinion!
Anyway, have a good week!

catkin tales said...

haha oscar is just like lily, she loves to play with those sticks (branches really) that are bigger than her.
with my grandaughter almost here i am going to have to pay more attention to your knitting. i love the bluebell jacket, such a pretty colour and elegant style.
your tree photo is stunning!

have a lovely week xx

josiekitten said...

Love the new sock yarn! And well done for finishing your reports! Good luck with the shawl, from what I have heard, you need to keep your wits about you!! Have a good week! xx

Kathy said...

Well done on the reports! I'm impressed, I've still got a fair way to go on mine! Oscar looks super happy with that branch. Inca picks sticks up, but loses interest very quickly.
Have a good

Jennyff said...

I just can't imagine casting on that many stitches, I'm currently putting off starting a knitted lacy border for a baby cardy that requires about 300. Presumably the number of stitches decreases as you progress, which is a great reason to keep going so on you go.

Lynne said...

Oh my goodness, everything is so lovely! The little cardigan is beautiful, and the crochet edge looks great; I LOVE the colour of that sock yarn, and I take my hat off to you for the 587 stitches!! :)

Unknown said...

OMG really neat knitting the little jacket is lovely.
Best wishes Molly

bellaboo said...

My have the patience of a saint,all those stitches!
Bella loves sticks,the bigger the better,but then she just wants to sit down and chew them,instead of running around and getting rid of all her energy! The little jacket is sweet,you knit so beautifully.
Hope your week goes well. :0)

AnnaPrasad said...

Gorgeous sunshine picture. And that little cardigan is just adorable!

Duke said...

It would take me 1/2 hour to do one row with that many stitches on the needle!
Sophie's cardi is just beautiful and I love the fan edging!

catkin tales said...

thank you for your comment
i love both classical and modern ballet too! :)

much love to you and darling oscar xx

i am going to be looking back though all your gorgeous baby and little girl knits over the coming weeks. your knitting is always lovely and you find the most beautiful patterns and yarns.

melissa said...

hooray for sunshine!
what a gorgeous cardi for sophie - i love that edging, so feminine and lovely.
and oooh is your new project ever going to be stunning!
hope you have a good week!

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Oscar and Ros! Sophie's jacket is beautiful and all those hew yarns just adorable! You have really cute bag there with pigs but if you need more bags, I'm giving mine away! Hugs from Nero & Teje

Dawn said...

Love the photo of crazy Oscar!

Tracy said...

That little carid is sooo sweet! What a lovely shape, and it looks pretty easy. LOVELY new socks on the go too... that Surf Blue wool is just gorgeous. Wonderful shawl started too. So sweet to see Oscar... what a love! Happy Summer ((HUGS))