Saturday 26 September 2009


Hello there! The weeks do seem to be flying by, don't they? It only seems like yesterday since I was last here. It's been another very busy week at school and not too much knitting has been done, but that's working life and hopefully, what I do, in some small way, helps the world go round! It's been a very exciting end of the week for me though. Would you like to know why?

Well, first of all let me show you my finished 'Single Scoop Ice-cream Sorbet Bag'. I made this one with the leftover yarn from my giant-sized 'triple scoop' version that I showed you here . I used the same pattern, but made it much smaller by only crocheting 10 rounds for the base. It's going to be used for something very, very special. Here it is .....

This morning, Mr Snoopydog and I wandered down into the city centre for an al fresco coffee, whilst the weather is still behaving so beautifully. We caught up on the week and on the way home stopped off at John Lewis and made some very 'special' purchases. Not that I need any more yarn, you understand! But this was very 'special' yarn for a very 'special' purpose. It was bought with three 'specially' chosen patterns in mind; patterns that were very carefully chosen on the 'special' evening of Thursday, September 24th! They could all be made in this colour or that colour, but definitely NOT this colour or that colour. It was even more 'SPECIAL' that Mr Snoopydog offered to pay for the yarn! Have you guessed anything yet? Well, what do you think is in the newly finished 'special purpose' bag?

Have you guessed.....?

Of course....... it's all those 'special' purchases; those woolly 'special' purchases and some other 'special' bits and pieces too. Have you noticed the pretty ribbon and beautiful little star-shaped shell buttons ? There's a BIG clue in there as well! I wonder if you've spotted it. It wasn't deliberate, it was just how the ball of yarn chose to lay in the bag!

I bought some other delicious little buttons too. They are so sweet!

The teddy buttons do look cute in real life, honestly! Maybe I shouldn't have photographed them so close up! They do look quite scary up there don't they! Don't pass judgement though, until you see them on the finished garment. If they don't look good, don't worry, I'll change them! Everything has to be just perfect!

Well, I haven't got anything else to show you. I have the patterns chosen and the yarn bought and the buttons matched and the the ribbon waiting ................ for.............. some 'special' little person. I can't even begin to tell you how 'special' it felt to be choosing or how long it took to choose or how carefully I carried my 'specially' chosen purchases to the counter to pay............ or how my head seems to be permanently full of 'SPECIALNESS'!

Have you guessed?

Did you spot my clue, on the 'BABY' Cashmerino label?

Well, in case you didn't ...... and in case you're not sure 'exactly what' and in case you 'got the wrong end of the stick' and in any case ......... well, just to give you the answer ........... guess what ................. I'M GOING TO BE A GRANDMA!!!!!!

P.S. I never, ever, thought it would feel so amazingly, fantastically, emotionally, ecstatically, every minutely...... 'SPECIAL'!

P.P.S. I'll tell you what I'm making with my 'specially' chosen yarn in my next post. I might even have some progress to show you.

For now, I'm just basking in 'SPECIALNESS' inside both my head and my heart! :D


melissa said...

oh what wonderful *special* news indeed!!

Jennyff said...

Oh happy happy news. What a wonderful opportunity for buying more yarn and making special little things, you've already make a good start there.

Dandy Duke said...

Your sorbet bag is just beautiful! Love the colors!

josiekitten said...

Wow! What lovely news! I guess that might make me some sort of Great Auntie Josiekitten?! LOL A perfect excuse for purchasing yarn I'd say!

Tracy said...

LOVE, LOVE, love the is fantastic--love those ice-cream And congrats on the news. Looking forward to seeing more tiny knitting! :o)

Unknown said...

I can spot a Lucy a mile away. Love the colors you made on this one. Did you know us American crocheters are toooooooooootally jealous of that wonderful Debbie Bliss. It cost way toooo many pennies for my budget. So,I guess I will have to head over the pond soon to just pick some up and sneak it back...he-he....

Thanks so much for your comments left regarding my post about Lucy. Isn't she just too much fun to read...

Hope you don't mind if I follow along with you now... I'm digging what I've seen already...

xoxoxox The Garden Bell - Kate