Sunday 20 March 2011


Hello there! So glad to be back. The week has flown and it's been busy, busy, busy with Parent's Evenings and allsorts. So, I decided to make amends and have a relaxing weekend with the needles.Yesterday was really lovely and I even managed to sit out in the garden for a couple of hours. It's so good to hear the birdsong again and even hear the first mowing of the year, of a distant neighbour's lawn. Warmer days are definitely on their way!

Yesterday, I managed to finish the little jacket for Sophie, using the DROPS design. It takes about 150g of 4-ply sock yarn. I'm really pleased with the finished result. Do you like the cute bunny? He's a little Easter gift for Sophie, along with the jacket.

I signd up for Alice Yu's 'Spriteling Socktopus  Mystery Shawl KAL' . The swatch pattern has been released this week, with the first pattern release due on April 1st. 'Spriteling is a triangular shawl taking inspiration from the woods and various lace traditions, including Shetland and Scandinavia'. You need to be an advanced intermediate knitter apparently!  The pattern will be charted and written. I have to say, I prefer written to chart, but having both is always good.

 The swatch was easy enough and I think I'm happy with my yarn choice, but as always, not 100% certain. I'll leave the swatch lying around for a few days, so that I can feast my eyes on it and be absolutely certain that I've made the right choice. The yarn is 100% BFL from 'Juno Fibre Arts', in the colourway, 'Lilac Pool'. I absolutely adore the colours of the yarn and it's smooth high twist feel. Just right for shawl knitting! Asti's gorgeous yarns have become  firm favourites of mine. What do you think to the swatch? Will it work, or would a more solid colourway show the stitchwork off more effectively? Answers on a postcard please!

I must show you a fabulous pattern book that I picked up in my local John Lewis store. I just had to buy it! It's packed full of beautiful designs for babies and children. There are so many that I would love to knit, that the £7.95 price tag seems very reasonable! I've already picked out my favourites that I just HAVE to start very soon. Well, just as soon as there are 50 hours in each and every day ;-). Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!

 Well, I must say 'cheerio' for now, as I have some schoolwork to attend to, but let me leave you with a couple of blasts of colour from my week.  Apologies if you are also a Snoopydog 365 visitor, where these photos have already appeared.

I used to love these fizzy, sherberty chews when I was a child. These were a strange gift, but will soon be gone!

My class made mini market stalls this week, ready for an exhibition in the school hall. They still have to make stall holders and the goods to be sold! Lots of cutting, sticking, painting.......... and clearing up!

He knows he shouldn't be on the sofas and I know he shouldn't be on the sofas, but sometimes a warm, furry, doggy companion is just the best possible companion on the sofa.

Goodnight! Have a good week everyone.


Teje Karjalainen said...

Dear Ros and Oscar, thank you so much for your sweet words!
Sophie's new jacket is so lovely - I would like to have that...and that qute bunny, too!
Your new yarn and knitting is beautiful! I love thosen yarns where the colour changes. Leave Oscar on the sofa - I know, my sofa is full of hears but I love to have Nero next to me!
I hope you have sunny week! xxx Teje and Nero

josiekitten said...

The jacket is lovely - the buttons go perfectly with it! I love the yarn you've swatched with, but I wonder if it will be too 'busy' and you'd be better with something more solid? Just thinking back to the issues you had with your Ishbel!! Have a good week! xx

Jennyff said...

Sophie is getting spoilt with that zingy cardy, Oscar is getting spoilt by being on the sofa, that all seems fair. I like the yarn for your shawl but I think if the pattern is quite complicated you do need to show off your work and a solid would be better, if you can whip it up in no time go ahead with the colours you have because the swatch does look nice. Hope that helps and fits on a postcard.

Kathy said...

I'm always glad to see another lab on a sofa! We've given up with Inca, but we're getting new sofas in April so we'll have to be firm!!! We had a lovely day yesterday too. It was actually warm ... and felt more like summer.
So nice at long last.
Thanks for your comments about my classroom saga ... I knew you'd understand the trauma we've had. Still, it was a lot better by Friday, and the room is lovely now! Just in time for parents' evening next week.
Have a good week!
Love Kathy xxx
P.S. The market stalls are great .. bet they took ages!

Stadtwaldvogel said...

Hi Ros, the cardigan for Sophie is very nice. The buttons are cute! Oscar on the sofa is a cutie.
Have a wonderful week!
Yours, Julia

Sarah Knits said...

I love the Easter goodies for Sophie - so cute!

It must have been dog on the sofa weekend as Ted decided that he needed to be cuddled for most of the rugby match - that sadly means that he doesn't let me knit! But that is life....

Spookily I have also signed up for the spriteling - my swatch was too busy so I am going to try something a bit plainer to make the most of the pattern as it is so pretty. Will be following along with you!

Dandy Duke said...

The jacket is so beautiful. We just love it!
Lucky you to be allowed on the sofa, Oscar!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Tracy said...

The jacket is GORGEOUS, Ros! Fun to see you went with the pinky-purple flower buttons--they look great with the bright stripes. This is a wonderful jacket pattern. Sophie will look a sweet in it, and surely will love that bunny. ;o) The lacy swatch you have there is lovely--lovely wool too! Oscar...he is a love... And don't you know that dogs and sofas go together?! ;o) Let him be a while longer... LOL! Happy Days ((HUGS))

Lynne said...

Sophie's Cardy is gorgeous, I love the colours. The swatch yarn is lovely, bit I too think a more solid colour would show the pattern better. I thought the colours looked more solid in the ball, but isn't it funny that they're so different in the swatch?!

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Darling little sweater and such bright colours.
I've never heard of those yummy candies here in Canada.
A couch is a perfect place for a puppy to lie... wouldn't you agree.
Have a great week and Happy Spring!
Susan x

*❀* said...


many thanks for your lovely comment on Twinkle's photography, she was really chuffed :o)
her uncle (my brother) is a pro and i think she is following in his footsteps.

the little jacket is sooooo pretty, i love the yarn you have used and the buttons.
love the sweet bunny too with her long floppy ears and cute nose.

oh my, my son goes crazy over those refresher bars! he would be in his element if he got a whole box :oD

we have the same sort of sofa probs in this house. sometimes a certain sneaky doggy slips on and cuddles up before we've even noticed and as you say there is something lovely about sharing the sofa with a special furry friend.
our girl is being particularly cheeeky though because she has her very own sofa. it's an old one that got got jumped on to death when my children were small. Lily is very fond of it and since she adopted it it's been filled with her blankies and toys and other smelly objects that she manages to smuggle on there.

labradors! who'd 'ave 'em eh? ;o)

warmest hugs to you and Oscar

love milly and Lily

melissa said...

oh my - that sweater turned out perfectly!!

and yes, sometimes it's a good thing to let the dog on the couch.